Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
TITHE GIVING SUNDAY Isaiah 52:7-12 V7 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news…” I could not help but sing the first verse of today’s passage, as it is the first stanza of the meaningful song, “Our God Reigns”. It speaks of a messenger on the mountains, carrying the good news of salvation to the Israelites who are being released from Babylonian captivity. It initially seemed that the God of Israel had been defeated when the Israelites were exiled, but this passage shows how this was all part of God’s sovereign plan. We often look at things from our perspective, without considering that this is God’s world, and we are living in it. And when that great day comes, all of Jerusalem is called to sing in joy for it is the Lord who redeemed them. They had been a people who were removed from their land and whose future was unclear. But through the mighty hand of God, they had been restored. God fulfilled His promises to His people. This is a time