The Journey 334
Read: Luke 10:38-42 As Christmas time approaches, homes are bombarded with catalogs of Christmas artifacts, gifts, books and toys. One of the toy retailers are creating ruffles not at the kind of toys that are being marketed but by the claims and ads that they are promoting about gender neutral toys. Gender neutral toys? What does that mean?. Remember those first toys that parents or relatives presented?. The boys would normally be presented something like a building blocks, or an electronic car while the girls would normally be gifted with baby dolls or teddy bears. We all know that a particular socialization process takes place in the life of every child. This socialization process is dependent on the society, the culture and the family background in which the child grows. There are different socialization agencies like family, school, the society that teaches the child how to behave, and to show age appropriate behaviors both as a girl or as a boy. Thus it is common for parent