Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Salvation: The Gift of God Ex. 14. 15-31 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelite to move on. “Salvation”- a word that is often thrown around, but often not fully explained, has many laypeople confused. What exactly does this word mean? What are the promises portrayed in it? If your child asked you what ‘Salvation’ was, what resources would you point them to? Well- let’s start by looking at something that Jesus taught all believers: The Lord’s Prayer. Do you recognize the phrase, “Deliver us from Evil”? (Matt 6:13) That, right there, in a nutshell, is the gift of salvation! It is God’s GRACE that has saved us from the sin that we knowingly and unknowingly commit! So next time your child rattles off the Lord’s Prayer, have them pause and reflect on exactly what it is they are praying for: salvation. But God’s gift of salvation is not limited to the spiritual sin, as we see in Exodus 14:15-31. Ask any child about the “Parting