
Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Model for generations   Bible portion: Luke: 2:25-35   Key Verse:   “there was a man in Jerusalem called Simeon, who was righteous and devout. He was waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was on him” (Luke 2:25)   Devotion In Luke 2:25-35, the evangelist introduces Simeon, an elderly devout man, who waited for the "consolation of Israel." The narrative is from a time when Israel lived under Roman rule, stripped of political autonomy and subject to the whims of an empire that controlled their land, culture, and religious practices. Simeon's anticipation of the Messiah symbolizes yearning for liberation from bondages. Simeon represents a generation that remembers a free Israel, a people who have lived through oppression and domination. His actions and words embody hope for deliverance, not merely spiritual but also in a socio-political sense. The "consolation of Israel" is more than a personal salvation; it is a restoration of identity, auto

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Model for generations Bible portion: Titus 2:1-5   Key Verse:   “You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine” Titus 2:1   Devotion In Titus 2:1-5 apostle Paul asks Titus to urge the elders to teach younger generation how the art of life should be. It is not merely about upholding traditional roles or maintaining the status quo. Instead, it calls for transformation and dignity for all people. These instruction to Titus focuses on the need for sound teaching, that promote the full flourishing and freedom of every individual, within the Christian community. This is not a set of restrictive rules, but a guide toward mutual respect, equity, and wholeness. Older men, are to model leadership that liberates others, rooted in love, faith, and endurance. This is leadership not based on domination, but on self-giving service, reflecting the way of Christ. Paul elevates the role of older women as teachers of what is good. They are recognized as central to the moral and spiritu

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Model for generations: Equip, Encourage and Embrace Bible portion: 1 Samuel  3:10-18 Key Verse:   “Do not hide it from me. May God deal with you, be it ever so severely, if you hide from me anything he told you.” (1 Samuel 3:17)   Devotion 1 Samuel  3:10-18  records the inauguration of the prophetic ministry of Samuel. The text explains how Samuel has been equipped, encouraged and embraced by Eli- his mentor. Equipping: 1 Samuel 3:10 portrays Samuel as a youth living in a time when the word and vision of the Lord were rare. Samuel had no basis on which to recognize the Lord’s voice (V.7). However, his readiness to listen and respond reflect the equipping ministry that Eli has faithfully carried out. It is Eli’s wise counsel that helped Samuel discern God’s calling. Samuel’s days serving under the instruction of Eli at Shiloh equipped him in recognising the revelatory experience of the Lord. Encourage: Verses 15-17 presents Eli’s initiative to encourage Samuel to inform about God’s ju

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Model for the Generations Bible portion: Genesis 47:7-10   Key Verse:   “Then Joseph brought his father Jacob in and presented him before Pharaoh. After Jacob blessed Pharaoh” (Genesis 47:7) Devotion Family is of profound importance to God’s plan and purpose. When we recollect families in the Bible, Abraham’s family is probably the first one that comes to mind. After all, God promised that He would bless the whole world through Abraham’s family. As believers in a rapidly changing and devolving world, we can shift our focus to this family to see how God uses His faithful servants to bring forth His kingdom.   Abraham’s grandson and great-grandson, Jacob and Joseph, are spotlighted in today’s devotional passage. In Genesis 47, Joseph brings his father before Pharaoh. Although their interaction is brief, it is packed with meaning. We can imagine Pharaoh’s astonishment to see Jacob standing before him in his advanced age. Jacob’s presence alone is a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Model for the generations Bible portion: Genesis 22: 9 - 19   Key Verse:  I will indeed bless you, and I will make your offspring as numerous as the stars of heaven and as the sand that is on the seashore. Genesis 22:17   Devotion Genesis 22:9-19, presents a profound test of faith, a demonstration of God's mercy, and a blueprint for a life lived in obedience to the divine. God commanded Abraham to sacrifice his only son, Isaac. This was not merely a test of obedience; it was a trial of the very core of Abraham's faith. Yet, without hesitation, Abraham prepared to obey. This act of unquestioning obedience reveals a depth of trust that is truly inspiring (Hebrews  11:17-19 ).  Similarly, Job's unwavering faith in the face of suffering shows us that trust in God extends beyond understanding (Job  13:15 ). Just as Abraham raised his knife to strike Isaac, an angel of the Lord intervened. A ram was provided as a substitute, sparing Isaac's life. This miraculous event demon

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Model for the generations Bible portion: Genesis 22: 1 - 5   Key Verse:  So, Abraham rose early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and his son Isaac. And he cut the wood for the burnt offering and arose and went to the place of which God had told him. (v. 3) Devotion Life has to be filled with Godly morals to be a model before all. Such models are few to find around. What has happened to us Christians? Where is us in relation to our God? Do we value His Word or this world the most?   Abraham the Father to all the faith-filled ones, through this passage is showing how all we can be models for the generations. He begins his conversation on hearing God by answering, ‘Here I am.’ He shows the readiness to hear and do whatever God commands him. Whether the words of God may affect him in a positive manner or negative, Abraham is ready to obey God. He does so in this text. How is our first response to God's call?   The key verse shows how Abraham

Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Samaritan Woman: Witness of the Messiah Bible portion: St. John 4:25-34   Key Verse:    “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?” (John 4 :29) Devotion John 4 presents Jesus’s meeting with the Samaritan Woman near Jacob’s well.  It narrates how Samaritan woman ‘found the Messiah’ that she was seeking for all her life. Jesus on seeing a Samaritan woman reached out to the woman and asked her for a drink of water from Jacob’s well. Her first reaction was ‘how can you Jew ask me for drink’ and Jesus replied ‘I am the stream of living water’ that is given to many who ask for it. She imagined ‘water of life’ as that will sustain her and give her joy for the rest of her life. Therefore, she asked Jesus for the water of life, eventually that turned out to be life changing event for her. Hearing Jesu’s prediction about her own life, she assumed Jesus was prophet.  The conversation further clarified the debate on place of worship, with the clarification th