Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Saint Andrew – The Apostle Day (John 1: 35-42) V.41 He first found his own brother Simon and said to him, “We have found the Messiah” which means Christ. The word ‘Apostle’ means “The one who is sent”. It brings to our mind the names of the first 12 disciples of Jesus Christ; of whom St. Andrew was the first to be called, and later came to be known as the patron saint of Scotland, Romania, Greece, and many other European countries. The Scottish church honors him with the name “Protokletos”, which means “the first called”. In memory of Apostle Andrew, every year November 30th is celebrated as St. Andrew’s Day, which is a national holiday in Scotland and across Europe, and celebrate the day as Apostle Day. The Gospel of St. John states that St. Andrew was first a disciple of John the Baptist, whose testimony first led him, and another unnamed disciple of John the Baptist, to follow Jesus. Apostle Andrew recognized Jesus as the Messiah and introduced his brother Peter to Jesus.