Word for the day by Christian Education Forum



Bible Reading: : John 9:1-7

Key Verse:‘ John 9: 3 “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him. 


Why do bad things happen? Pretty loaded question, don’t you say? Our natural deduction is so that we may learn to depend on Him. We live in a broken world, and people get broken because of the brokenness of sin. But God is not the one breaking, He is the one healing.
Jesus plainly rejects the notion that if you are sick or disabled, then it’s because you have some sin in your life or you don’t have enough faith. You are disabled because God purposes to show the power of His works in you. What an honorable privilege that now becomes for you. Believe you are chosen to be afflicted so God could display His works in you. When the Lord decided for that something to happen, he is already planned a purpose for that something.
All of us, in essence, have some form of disability, some short coming and flaw. Yes, there are causes. Some of them your fault, perhaps, and some of them not. But those causes are not conclusive in determining the meaning of your struggles. What is absolutely determined is God’s purpose. “It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him” (verse3). No matter what form of disability you are struggling with, the cause does not matter. What counts is spending time in prayer asking for the Holy Spirit to guide you to God’s purpose of this disability. As a result of that purpose, glorify His name amongst the disability!  
My question for you this is: What is your story? Again, it does not have to be like anyone else’s. And you don’t have to be able to preach it, or explain all the theological details of it – but can you analyze your story? It may be as simple as this blind man’s: “I once was blind but now I see.” It may be as simple as saying, “OK” to God. It may just be “my life was changed, and Jesus did it!” But just like that blind man, we all have a story portraying the Lord Almighty as the Light of the World. Share your story!  Show the world how He has displayed His works within you.


Beautiful Father, we recall ALL of your children are created in your image.
We humbly ask to guide us to have courage and to display your own handicraft. Amen.

Thought for the day

Stop placing limits on what God 
can do in your life.
Let Him do His work.
He will amaze you every single time.

 Suby Mathew
St. Johns MTC

New York

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