Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Peace, Grace, and Hope: Rejoicing in God's Love.

Bible Reading: Romans 5:1-5

Key Verse: V5”And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us”.


What is Hope? One of the definitions of Hope is: A desire accompanied by the expectation of fulfillment.  For Christians, the GPS or the compass of our Faith journey is Hope. Every suffering, every pain that we encounter in this tumultuous life on earth we confront with one powerful weapon – Hope! Paul in his letter to the Romans elaborates on this hope that is the by-product of faith. Further, because we have faith, we have hope which gives us Peace.  The most elusive and yet the most desired state of mind is Peace!  
Jesus Christ, through His atoning death on the cross, freed us from the shackles of sin and gave us the hope of eternal life.  This is the hope that never betrays or fails.
John 14:16: If you love me, obey me; and I will ask the Father and he will give you another Comforter, and he will never leave you.  
This comforter is the Holy Spirit that has been given to us and The Holy Spirit gives us hope and faith as we overcome with perseverance every challenge and every suffering, even unto death.


Lord, we humbly approach your throne of grace, praying for hope in all circumstances. We acknowledge you as the author and creator of our lives and pray for perseverance and peace both during adversity and prosperity. Amen.

Thought of the day

But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength.

Mary Varughese (Aswathi)
St. Thomas Mar Thoma church, Lombard, IL.

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