Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Living A Life of Transformation

Bible Reading:   St.Luke.3:7-14


Today’s reading is a call for transformation. The context is that John the Baptist came to prepare the way for the Lord. He exhorted the people who came to be baptized by him as a sign of repentance. The lifestyle of the Kingdom of God is that of repentance and transformation. So he demands to produce fruit in keeping with repentance. Otherwise they have to face the wrath of God. Then the people asked what should we do then. This question is very important to a faithful believer.
In our text for meditation, three types of people came to John the Baptist and asked him what we have to do to lead a  life of Transformation .  He challenged them what to do. Let us focus our attention to the advice of John.
A sharing life is necessary: The first group who came to John were the crowd. They represent the ordinary people of the society. He said to them, the man  with two tunics should share with him, who has none and one who has food should do the same.(v.11). Only by sharing what we have with the poor and needy, we can lead a life of Transformation.
A corrupt free life is necessary: The second. Group who came to John were the Tax Collectors’ represent the Civil servants of the Society. John exhorted them “Don’t collect any more than are required to (v.12).The tax collectors can be tempted to collect more money than stipulated by the government. Here they are advised to lead a corrupt free life.
A satisfactory life is necessary:  The third group who came to John the Baptist were the soldiers. They represent the Defense Service. They also asked him ‘and what should we do’. The answer was “ Don’t  extort money and don’t  accuse people falsely .Be content with your pay(v.13).Here they have to be withdrawn from greed and bribery and to lead a contended life.
In order to lead a repenting and fruit bearing   life , we have to obey  the exhortation given by John the Baptist  and  thereby a life of transformation.


O Lord of all   grace ,enable us to confess our sins through repentance and receive your forgiveness.

Thought of the day

 When is the last time you heard the voice of God to repent?.

     Rev.Dr.George Mathew Kuttiyil, Kallely St.Thomas MTC
Kerala, India

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