Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Model for the Generations
Today’s Bible text: Titus 2:6-11

Key Verse: …the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to all people. Titus 2:11


Apostle Paul’s epistle to Titus serves as a guide for maintaining sound doctrine and Christian conduct. In Titus 2:1-11, St. Paul provides practical guidelines for different demographic groups within the church, underscoring the need for both doctrine and lifestyle to align with Christian values. These instructions on how different groups within the church should live out their faith, emphasizes that sound doctrine should shape both belief and behaviour. By addressing different age and social groups, Paul shows that every member has a role in nurturing according to the doctrines.  The term "sound doctrine" derived from Greek word "hygiaino" implies teachings that promote spiritual health and well-being. This serves as a foundation for godly living, where what one believes directly impacts how one behaves.
In Titus 2:6-11, Paul exhorts young men to live with self-control, a vital quality in a world filled with temptations. Self-control, or sōphronōs in Greek, suggests not merely avoiding sin but also embracing a life of wisdom and discipline. Paul charges Titus, as a leader, to model this virtue, underlining the importance of example in spiritual leadership. He is to show integrity, dignity, and sound speech, revealing how leadership flows not only from words but from character. Verse 9 shifts to the relationship between bondservants and masters, encouraging obedience and respect. While the context was that of slavery, the underlying principle speaks to modern workplaces: Christian conduct should be marked by honesty and respect for authority. Verse 11 introduces the foundation for this behavior: "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people." God's grace is the ultimate motivator for godly living. It’s not legalism or fear of punishment but the transformative grace of Christ that teaches believers to renounce worldly passions and embrace righteousness. As recipients of this grace, we are called to live differently, reflecting Christ in our everyday actions and interactions, pointing others toward the saving work of God.
These verses emphasize the importance of sound doctrine and its practical implications for daily living. It teaches that our conduct should align with our beliefs, serving as a testimony to others of the power and truth of the Christian faith. Living according to sound doctrine not only strengthens our faith but also brings glory to God in our communities. Everyone is encouraged to live exemplary lives, modelling godliness for the younger generation, who, in turn, are urged to embody Christian values in their daily lives. Therefore, our teaching should align with biblical truth, fostering virtues among everyone in the church.

“Dear Lord, help us to live according to Your word, embodying the teachings of Christ in every aspect of our lives. May we be examples of faith, love, and self-control, influencing others for Your glory. Give us the wisdom and strength to uphold sound doctrine in our actions and words. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
“Let our lives be a reflection of sound doctrine, living in a way that honours God and inspires others to seek His truth.”

Dr. Ann Mary Jacob
Union Christian College, Aluva

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