Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Mission-Proclamation and Acts of the Kingdom of God

                                                          (11th Sunday after Pentecost)
Bible portion:  St. Mathew 10: 7-16

 V16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves”

The gospel of Mathew puts more emphasis on the concept of the kingdom than the other gospel writers. He mentions the term Kingdom 55 times in his gospel, preferring the words Kingdom of Heaven over Kingdom of God as the other gospels put it. Probably, this reveals a Jewish influence and Mathew’s respect for the name God.
The mission of the church is to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God and make disciples throughout the world, teaching them exactly what Jesus taught (Mk.16;15: Mt.24:14; Mt.28:19-20) The work of the Church continues; it didn’t cease when the original disciples died.
The Church is a sign and instrument of the Kingdom of God. The mission of the church is to go unto the world in the power of the Holy Spirit and make disciples by proclaiming this gospel, inviting people to respond in ongoing repentance and demonstrating the truth and power and authority of the gospel by living under the Lordship of Jesus Christ for the glory of God and the good of the world.
The mission of the Church includes both the proclamation of the gospel and its demonstration. The disciples both had a message to preach and a Power to display; the message is, ‘The Kingdom of Heaven has come near’, urging people to get ready to accept the Lordship of the new King, the Savior of the whole world. This message is a living picture of salvation and judgment through Jesus. Those who receive the message have ‘peace’ come upon them (vs13) and those who reject will face the consequence of judgment (vs. 15). There is a promise and a warning of judgment. The same offer remains for us today. If we believe the message of the gospel, we have peace between ourselves and God through Christ (Rom.5; 1); if we do not believe we stand unclean and condemned (Jn: 3:36).
 Demonstrating the power and authority of the Kingdom is the second part of the mission. The disciples are urged to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, and drive out the demons. It is a rallying call by Jesus to his closest followers to trust completely in the providence and love of God. He wants his men to be free of the calculations and measurement. He is not concerned with the baggage allowances but asks us to look at our hearts to see how free we are. Am I defined by my luggage? He said, ‘freely you have received, freely give’. Jesus charged His disciples nothing and He expected them to give ministry unto others without charge. Jesus warned them of the risk factors in this mission. The mission will cost them more than they can imagine. He cautioned against keeping their attention on wounds and hurts. 
We are called to share the good news of the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ in all situations irrespective of its consequences by relying on His Providence.

Merciful God our heavenly Father,
You tell us in Your Word that the fields are ripe for harvest. We want to be obedient in sharing the Word of God wherever we are. We come to you today to pray for the hearts of those who have not yet accepted Your Lordship. We keep all mission activities & the missionaries. In Jesus name we pray.
Thought for the Day 
Mission is the Urgent need of the hour. It is the heartbeat and heart pain of God.
Very Rev.  K. Y. Jacob

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