Word for the day by. Christian Education Forum

 Priests — Called for Pastoral Ministry

  Bible portion: Hebrews 5:1-5

So also Christ did not glorify Himself to become High Priest, but it was He who said to Him: “You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.” (Hebrews 5: 1-5)
What do we meditate on when we think of Christ? Jesus plays many different roles for us. Among his many roles, he serves as a physician, lawyer, teacher, and king. One role that we may not always think of is Jesus’ role as High Priest.
In today’s devotional passage, the author of Hebrews unpacks this idea of Jesus as our High Priest. There is a comparison made at the beginning of chapter 5, which highlights the mortality of the human high priests. In their humanity, they were able to relate to others. Compassion is key here. The reality was that the high priests needed the grace of God. Verse 3 emphasizes that a high priest must not only offer sacrifices for sins on behalf of others, but also offer sacrifices for his own sins. It is clear that a high priest is therefore able to treat others with mercy and empathize with them because he too is subject to weakness. 
Jesus knows us. Just as earthly high priests, Jesus experienced the limitations of the flesh. However, Jesus lived a sinless life. He was the perfect High Priest in every sense. He was appointed by God the Father to carry out the task of setting us free from the bondage of sin. Later on in Hebrews, we uncover how Jesus offered himself up as a sacrifice to redeem a fallen, broken, sinful humanity. While He lived on this earth, He allowed himself to be broken on our behalf. Our High Priest willingly stepped in our place. Moreover, He is approachable and merciful. He does not turn away those who come to him. As we grow in our relationship with the Lord, let us wrap our minds around the idea that Jesus intercedes for us. Only in Jesus will we find forgiveness, healing, restoration, purpose, and our true identity. Our High Priest knows us, and we can boldly come to him as we are.

Heavenly Father, thank you for appointing Your Son Jesus Christ as our High Priest. Lord, we are grateful that You understand our weaknesses and temptations because You experienced life as we experience it. Help us to look to You during our times of trial and know that in You, we have a source of comfort and refuge. In those times, we pray that we may not be led astray but be drawn closer to You. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.
Thought for the Day
There is one bridge between God and man, the Lord Jesus Christ. He is our High Priest now and forevermore.
Gini Thomas

The Mar Thoma Church  Staten Island

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