Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

  Tithe Giving from the Heart  

  Bible portion: Philippians 4 : 10-20 

Bible Verse : Phil 4.14 ( New Living Translation) 

.. Even so, you have done well to share with me in my present difficulty. 

Firstly a the background for today’s scripture portion ,  This scripture portion selected for us today is written by Apostle Paul to the Church in Philippi .  Paul is in Prison and awaiting trail before Caesar . As much as Paul should have been depressed and dejected about his condition being in jail instead we read several times in this Book the “ aspect of rejoicing “ and “  being grateful for what we have in life” . At times gratefulness and being happy is not an emotion or mindset we see in many around us ,  especially in incarcerated condition that Apostle Paul was in detention. 
As we discuss on the theme for this week of Tithing and specifically on today when we focus on tithing and giving from our hearts. We take a closer on the Bible Portion assigned to this day and that is Book of Philippians Chapter 4 : 10-20
Paul is praising the Church of Philippi for their kindness and generosity , extended to  Church Leader like Paul during his time of need. However Paul words of contentment is what we have to really,  need to learn from the Scripture Portions today. Paul elaborates that he has learned to live with nothing and learn to live with everything. In this day of consumerism and immediate gratification , we tend to  keep our eyes on the ‘ bigger houses ‘ , ‘ most luxurious cars ‘ and the ‘ fanciest of clothes’ , which are not wrong by itself , however the question we have to ask our selves is ‘ are we contented ‘ in whatever state we are in , or are we always working harder for the bigger house , or the luxurious cars  ..   Paul wonderful verse in Philippians 4.13 is the verse that is tattooed on the arm of the great NBA Star from Golden State Warriors – Steph Curry  and that  is ‘ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me ‘  . Steph has found inspiration in these words not only when he plays Basketball but also as Steph lives a life as  role model to many aspiring kids in our world.  
I have used verse 14 as our key verse today , because as Paul applauds the Church in Philippi for not only sharing with Paul financially but also giving to Paul while not many other around were wiling to support Paul while he was incarcerated.  Paul elaborates that he is not highlighting the kindness of the Church in Phillipi because Paul is expecting more from them , instead that the generosity of the Church is helping and funding Paul in his time of need. Paul concludes the verses by saying that gifts send by Epaphroditus is ‘ sweet smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing to God ‘ . 
This week as we discuss the aspect of Tithing , we have to examine our selves  are our gifts from our heart , are we giving like the Church of Philippi gifts that ‘ sweet smelling sacrifice that is acceptable and pleasing before God ‘ . Is God pleased with our gifts or are we just checking the boxes so that we give God the least of our monies as the offertory bag comes to us during our Church Services.  How is our giving today  , are we giving from abundance we have or are we giving from our heart, to gain appreciation from Jesus  like the poor widow’s mite ( Luke 21:1-4)  

Almighty and Gracious Lord , allow us to be like the Church in Philippi that gave from their hearts and be people who are sacrificially and generously giving from their heart so that  our givings  are ‘ sweet smelling sacrifice that is acceptable to God ‘  – Amen. 
                                                            Thought for the Day
“  If a person gets his attitude toward money straight, it will help straighten out almost every other area in his life “ – Rev Billy Graham ( 1918-2018).

Abraham Kurien, Immanuel Mar Thoma Church, Houston, Texas.

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