Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Bible portion     Luke 6:20-26

The declaration of independence for the Unites states of America was adopted on July 4, 1776.The delegates of the 13 colonies assembled at the second continental congress signed the document on Aug 2,1776 taking the risk of losing everything if British win the American revolution. These people are the founders or the framers of our constitution. George Washington the commander of the continental army played a significant role in gaining independence for the nation. John Adams, the second president wrote in his memoir that this day has to be remembered as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion and thanksgiving to God almighty. We as Americans must celebrate this holiday reflecting upon the values of freedom, democracy and independent status it got from the British empire.
Looking to our portion for devotion it is well fitting to reflect upon the words of our Master Jesus Christ. The Passage emphasizes on the nature of blessedness and freedom. Jesus speaks of a freedom free from the tyranny of materialism, caste and slavery, and a false sense of security. What we need is a true freedom from the bondage of the sin that engulfs the world and something that can be found only in Jesus who promises kingdom to the poor and satisfaction to the hungry.
Many has suffered, toiled and gave their lives for the freedom that we enjoy today. Jesus promises us of an eternal kingdom where there is no pain or suffering. We enjoy freedom of religion here, but in many parts of the world many who advocates for Christ are persecuted and killed even now. Our hope is the crown of Glory that He offers us on the day of judgement, and we wait for his comment “well done good and faithful servant “. True freedom is not found in the transient glitters of the world, True joy and peace we experience when we surrender to the will of God.
Let us lead a life relying on the power of the cross, that gives us hope during the sorrow chaos and confusion of the world and courage in the face of persecution.
Lord thank you for the freedom you have given us to enjoy. Let us be aware that true freedom and happiness can only be achieved only in your presence and in the heavenly abode which is our ultimate destination. Equip us to love you, our neighbors, our brothers and sisters and radiate this love to all people around. Bless our nation and make it great to guide as a torch those around who are engulfed in darkness. Amen

                                              Thought for the day

                                    God of love and peace bless and protect this nation 
                                                     Annie Jose
                                        The Mar Thoma Church  Staten Island

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