Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Integrity of whole creation in Christ

  Bible portion: Proverbs 8: 22-31

Verse:22-23”The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.
Ages ago I was set up at the first, before the beginning of the earth”.

Proverbs 8 is titled as the blessings of wisdom. Today’s passage emphasizes 
how wisdom existed at the beginning of God’s work/ His creation. Wisdom is 
as eternal as God himself because it is an attribute of who He is. The 
language used in Proverbs is metaphorical and poetic. Solomon uses personification to emphasize God’s wisdom in
creating the world. Genesis chapters 1 and 2 give us the narrative of how  
God created the universe from the formless and empty state at the beginning 
of day 1 to the inhabited world of day 6. We see that at every stage, God’s 
wisdom dictated the sequence of what would follow. Wisdom not only 
guaranteed the perfection of  His creation but also brought joy in what was made, as shown by the repeated phrase, & quot; And
God saw that it was good.& quot; It is evident that no part of the creation is 
untouched by God’s wisdom. In verse 24 we see that His wisdom shines in the 
seas and in the springs that abound with water. God in his wisdom shaped the 
mountains and hills which tower over us. Verse 26 says he created the earth 
 and land in His wisdom .And we read in v. 27-28 that the sky above us and 
the fountains of the deep below reflect the wisdom of God. Psalm 104 is 
another example in the Bible where the Psalmist considers God’s wisdom in 
creation in verse 24 :O Lord ,how many are your works ! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”
We thank you Lord that the world is under your wise control. Sometimes we 
are overwhelmed by the chaos around us but your word reminds us that it is 
your laws that rule the world and we can trust in you.

Thought for the Day
God’s ordering power is very much at work even today,
preventing creation from sliding back into chaos. We have a crucial role to 
play in God's work and we need to be guided by God’s wisdom.

Lisa Cherukara
St. Stephens MTC, NJ

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