Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Call and Commission to be Christ’s Disciples

Bible Portion: Jeremiah 1:1-12

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

Jeremiah's call to be a prophet is a powerful testament to God's sovereignty and intimate knowledge of each individual. In this passage, we see the profound truth that God's plans for us are established even before we are born. Jeremiah 1:5 highlights God's intimate involvement in our lives from the beginning. He knows us thoroughly and has a purpose for each of us.  Realizing that our existence is not accidental but part of a divine plan is comforting. Jeremiah was called to a specific mission; likewise, each of us has a unique calling. Jeremiah's initial reaction is one of inadequacy and fear. He feels unprepared and too young for such a significant task. However, God reassures him that his perceived weaknesses are not obstacles to God's plans. When God calls us, He equips us. Our limitations allow God's power to be displayed in our lives. God not only calls Jeremiah but also empowers him.
The touching of Jeremiah's mouth, Ve.9. symbolizes God's direct impartation of His words. Jeremiah's authority and power come directly from God, emphasizing that when God appoints us, He also provides the necessary tools and authority to fulfill our mission. In Ve. 11-12, Jeremiah wrote about an almond tree that blooms early and symbolizes watchfulness and early action. God uses this imagery to assure Jeremiah that He is actively watching over His word to bring it to fruition. This assurance also extends to us; God is vigilant and faithful to His promises. His word will not return void but will accomplish what He desires. Jeremiah's experience reminds us that God's plans for us are perfect, His provision is sufficient, and His promises are trustworthy. God has a purpose for our life, established even before birth. Seek to discover and embrace this calling with confidence. In moments of fear and uncertainty, remember that God is with us. His presence is our source of strength and courage. As we obey His call, we can be confident that He is with us every step of the way.
Dear God, we realize that You have a purpose for our lives, and we are humbled by Your intimate involvement in our creation and calling. Lord, we cling to Your promise that You equip those whom You call. Empower us with Your Holy Spirit to speak truth, to act with boldness, and to fulfill the tasks You have appointed for us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.
Thought for the Day
How do I experience, “I am with you and will rescue you” Jeremiah 1:8
Neha Jacob
Epiphany Mar Thoma Church New York

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