Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

          Jesus Christ Who Liberates               

Philippians 1:12-20

“I will continue to rejoice, for I know that through your prayers and God’s provision of the Spirit of Jesus Christ what has happened to me will turn out for my deliverance.”  Philippians 1:18-19.

Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians while he was in prison in Rome.  Earlier in Paul’s ministry, God had called him to preach the gospel in Rome (see Acts 23:11), but this call eventually resulted in Paul’s imprisonment by the Roman officials.  However, throughout Paul’s time in prison, he continued to preach the gospel with joy and fervor.  Paul’s decision to place unwavering faith in God despite his difficult circumstances proved enormously fruitful in the long run, not just for Paul, but also for the other believers in the early Church.  Like Paul, when we find ourselves in the midst of hardships, we should hold fast to our faith in God, trusting in His ability to provide for all our needs, His liberating power, and His greater plans for our lives.
1.  Faith in God’s Provision
Prisons in ancient Rome were known to be highly dangerous places with horrible living conditions.  But throughout Paul’s time in prison, God provided for his needs and ensured his safety.  Paul attributes his “deliverance” from imprisonment to God’s powerful protection, as well as to the prayers of the Philippians and the other believers.
Though our hardships may take a different form than Paul’s, we can be confident that God’s provision will meet all of our needs, and that God can deliver us from any difficulty, whether it be related to our health, finances, or otherwise.  We should also be mindful of Paul’s exhortation to pray for our neighbors experiencing such challenges because “if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us.”  1 John 5:14.
2.  Faith in God’s Liberating Power
Not only did God meet all of Paul’s immediate physical needs while he was in prison, but the presence of the Holy Spirit also gave Paul comfort, hope, joy, and ultimately, courage to continue preaching the gospel even though he was “in chains.”  Given his circumstances, Paul had every reason to feel dejected and fearful, but he was confident in God’s power to liberate him from the confines—both physical and emotional—in which the Romans had placed him.
Like Paul, when we face challenging circumstances—whether at work or school, in our personal relationships, or in any other sphere of life—we should place our trust in God, rather than in our own power.  Paul’s example shows us that trusting in and communing with the Holy Spirit in the midst of hardships will give us a deep sense of peace, hope, and joy that the world cannot take away from us.  Our faith in Christ liberates us from succumbing to the chains of fear and despondency, and frees us to act in love and service towards God and neighbor, as Paul did.
3.  Faith in God’s Greater Plans
God called Paul to preach in Rome, and then worked through a seemingly hopeless situation—Paul’s imprisonment—to spread the gospel and encourage believers.  Paul preached the gospel “throughout the whole palace guard and to everyone else,” reaching a group of people that may not have otherwise heard the good news.  And Paul’s imprisonment gave other believers the confidence “all the more to proclaim the gospel without fear,” as they were inspired by Paul’s joy and the way in which God worked through him in prison.
Likewise, we should trust in God’s greater plans for our lives, even though the purposes behind those plans may not be immediately apparent to us.  Perhaps our hardships are opportunities to strengthen our own faith, to give us compassion for others who are struggling, and to encourage and inspire those around us who might not yet know Him.  Paul’s example is evidence that God can use any situation—even our worst trials—to “advance the gospel.”
Thank you, Lord, for the ways in which You provide for us, for the hope and joy Your presence brings, and for the amazing plans You have for each of us.  Help us to place our trust in You above all else.

Thought for the Day
Through Christ, we are liberated to love others as He loves us.

Miriam George
Carmel Mar Thoma Church, Boston

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