Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Biblical Passage: Mark 7: 24 – 30  
“He said to her, “Let the children be fed first, for it is not fair to take the children’s food and  throw it to the dogs.” But she answered him, “Sir, even the dogs under the table eat the  children’s crumbs.” – Verse 27 – 28  
Most of us who have read this passage have often ended up arguing an insignificant question based on the above verse; that is; how could Jesus, being the son of God, compare this woman  who was a gentle of Syrophoenician origin, with dogs. Isn’t it “very” rude for Jesus to say so?  
God made human beings as man and woman in His own image so it is very unlikely  possible that God will downgrade His own creations. So, what is the real question which we  should ask here? Well, the real question should be: “are we able to help others who do not  form part of our race & religion as Jesus did”?  
Being a woman of different faith, Jesus could have easily avoided the woman entirely  but even though he tested her faith, Jesus healed her daughter. The theme says it all “Jesus  Christ who redeems all”. There are people who insll differences in us for our own brothers  and sisters. We should understand that if Jesus could help, then as followers of Jesus we have  a responsibility to treat everyone equally with humanity irrespecve of who they are and carry  witness of Christ.  
Triune God, clear our vision to understand that everyone is in need of help and you  have made us the channel of your grace for the people around us. Strengthen us to help  them and be a healing hand as you were to the Syrophoenician woman and many others like  her. All this we ask in Jesus’ name, Amen  

Thought for the Day
"With the world so set on tearing itself apart, it doesn’t seem like such a bad thing to  me to want to put a lile bit of it back together." – United States Army Corporal Desmond  Doss WW II(Medal of Honor recipient)  

Rev.Sobin Abraham Jose
Assistant Vicar
Mukathala Mar Thoma Church
Kureepally, Kerala

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