Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

Evangelism – Church’s Primary Commission 
Bible portion: Jesus' Baptism - Mark 1:7-11 
This brief passage provides significant insights into the distinctiveness and fascination of Jesus.  It is worth noting that untying someone's sandal was a task assigned to enslaved individuals, but  John, recognizing Jesus' importance, feels unworthy even to perform this lowly task for him.  Subsequently, the Father reveals the identity of Jesus of Nazareth, a seemingly ordinary man, by  declaring him to be his beloved Son, with whom he is well pleased. Following this, the Spirit  descends on him as a dove. Finally, the heavens are opened to signify that Jesus is a part of the  divine realm. St. Mark strives to remind us, as disciples, of the divine reality of Jesus. 
When Jesus got baptized in the Jordan River, it was his second epiphany. He was with people  who wanted to confess their sins and be baptized. But why did Jesus, believed to be sinless, get  baptized? Why did he need John's baptism? John hinted at a deeper meaning behind the event. It  reveals something about who Jesus is and why he came to Earth. 
In Jesus' baptism, a dramatic revelation takes place. The heavens are torn apart, and the Holy  Spirit descends upon Jesus as he emerges from the water. This Spirit will remain with him  throughout his public ministry and passion. Then, a voice speaks from heaven, offering a  commentary on what is happening: "You are my Son, the Beloved; with you I am well pleased".  This voice is identified as that of his Abba, his dear Father. Take a moment to reflect on this  scene and allow yourself to be drawn into the embrace of the three persons of the Trinity, who  are all participating in this baptismal ritual. 
Jesus' baptism provides us with a glimpse into a significant religious moment. He knows his  identity, and the imprint of the Spirit has sealed his life. By joining the queue of people for  John's baptism, he immersed himself in the life of the people, wanting to share their joys and  sorrows. In the depths of the water, he entered into the depths of his humanity and the depths of  his people. Jesus has entered into that part of all of us that laughs and sings, dances and cries,  feels for the sick and the suffering and desires the best for self and others. As he was baptized  into the life of his people and the God of his ancestors, nothing human is foreign to him. 
Imagine standing in the shallows, the water flowing around your ankles, witnessing the scene  unfolding before you. Picture it in your mind. You see a young man from Nazareth joining the  queue, waiting for John's baptism. It's a symbol of purification and birth - coming up out of the  waters of the womb into a new life as a beloved child of his Abba. 

Lord, remind me that I, too, bear your seal of approval. Your Spirit marks me, called to  participate in your mission as your beloved son or daughter. John knows his identity and his  place in the unfolding plan of God. He is the instrument that points people beyond himself  towards Jesus. Who are the 'John the Baptist' figures in our own life? When I realize you love  and are well pleased with me, it is like the start of a new life. Hearing your voice, I know I have  a purpose and a destiny.

Rev.Eapen  Abraham
 The Mar Thoma Church, Santa Cruz,Mumbai

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church 

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