Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Youth Sunday

Daniel 1:11-17 
V:8: "But Daniel resolved not to defile himself with the royal food and wine, and he asked the chief official for permission not to defile himself in this way” 

As per  Bible scholars, many believe Daniel and his friends were only 15-16 years of age when King Nebuchadnezzar, took them as exiles to Babylon. With no hope in sight of being ever united with their parents, these young boys were faced with drastic life-altering circumstances. Despite the king’s relentless efforts to conform them to his new set of standards to make them forget the God they once served, these young men stood their ground even amid immense pressure. Daniel and his friends teach us an important lesson: their utmost allegiance to the Living God more than to any culture, relationship, or emotion. They could have chosen to be bitter at God and rebel against Him. But they grew closer to Him. They clung to Him and chose to fear Him because they knew who they trusted. So they trusted their future into HIs hands.

The second most important lesson from this portion is the decision they made not to defile themselves with the king’s food and wine, was not an impulsive decision made in the moment.  But we can see it was a decision made before the temptation was ever presented to them. 

Something we can all learn from!  In history, we have seen many great men fail at the height of temptation because they had not resolved in their minds to stand for the Lord.  To avoid this we need to recognize where our areas of weakness are and resolve much beforehand on pleasing the Lord. Then we like Daniel, with the power of the Holy Spirit will “Soar on Wings like Eagles” (Isaiah 40:31) and be transformed by the renewing of our minds to be able to comprehend God’s good, pleasing, and perfect will(Rom 12:2).

Dear Lord help us remember that we are nothing without your Spirit in us and may all we do be empowered by continual dependence on the Power of the Holy Spirit in us. Amen
Thought for the Day

"Only those who try to resist temptation know how strong it is. After all…. you find out the strength of a wind by trying to walk against it, not by lying down” -C.S Lewis

Dr. Justeena Jess George
W/o Rev. Jess M. George,
Youth Chaplain, N.E. Region


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