Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Women: The apostles of Christ

Numbers 27:1-11

”V 8“Say to the Israelites, ‘If a man dies and leaves no son, give his inheritance to his daughter.”

Zelophehad was the son of Hepler, from the tribe of Manasseh. He had five daughters and no son. The names of his daughters were Mahlah, Noah, Hoglah, Milkah and Tirzah. Unfortunately, he died in the wilderness. Moses was allotting the Promised Land between the twelve tribes by lot. In the Middle Eastern culture, women did not inherit property. The property passed on to the sons. 
The daughters of Zelophehad had a legal issue regarding their father’s property. These daughters wanted to preserve their father’s name in the land. They went to the entrance to the tent of meeting, to Moses and the elders. They peacefully and courageously sought their rights to their father’s property amongst their father’s relatives. Moses took the problem to the Lord. God responded in favor of the daughters of Zelophehad. After this incident, every daughter has a right to the property of their father. This was the first women’s right movement in the Middle East. 
The Shunammite woman showed hospitality to Elisha. At the prophet’s suggestion she went to the enemy territory of the Philistines during a famine and lived there for seven years. When she returned to her homeland, she went to the king to claim her property. As a result, she got it back. 
Apostles are the ones sent out with a mission. There are many women sent out with a purpose in the Biblical times, for example, Miriam watched over floating baby Moses on the River Nile and reached the Egyptian princess with Jochebed to feed the baby, Ruth followed Naomi faithfully to Bethlehem, the starving widow at Zarephath met the need of Elijah, Esther risked her life for the Jews, the Samaritan woman was the first female evangelist. Risen Christ appeared first to Mary Magdalene and sent her with His resurrection message to the disciples. Pricilla, Phoebe, Mary, the mother of Mark etc…held leadership roles amongst the believers. Dorcas spread the fragrance of Christ by weaving the garments for the poor. Lydia was hospitable to Paul. 
How can women today be an apostle of Christ? By reaching out to the poor, binding the wounds of the suffering, lending our ear to the grieving, standing with the voiceless in the margins, fighting for the rights of children and the differently able, cook a meal for the sick etc…It is through us that the blessings and justice of God flows on earth. Are you willing to become a channel; are you willing to intercede for them in prayer? Don’t be blind and silent to the sufferings of others. We were created with a purpose. We are accountable to God about our decisions in regard to the least in the society. We can be a sent out one to our children or parents struggling with adversities or loneliness, they need our assistance now. Many elderly are living lonely lives in our communities, despite of having healthy grown up children, because of their refusal to humble themselves and take the support of their families. We have to restore these broken family relationships. Christ incarnated to restore our relationship with the Father. He gave up His life to reunite us with the Father. 
God is impartial, both male and female are equal in His sight. Those in Christ, have an imperishable inheritance in the Kingdom.

 God of justice and equality, enable us to come boldly to your throne of grace with our needs like the daughters of Zelophehad, assured that you will respond in our favor with justice. In Jesus name. Amen

Thought for the Day

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭7‬ 

Mrs. Saramma Chacko Epiphany MTC, NY

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