Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Women: The Apostles of Christ

Luke 1:46-50

V 50“His Mercy Extends to those who fear Him, from generation to generation” 

Our text is the hymn known as the Magnificat of Mary, sung to the Lord in response to Elizabeth’s proclamation about her faith and blessedness. Overwhelmed with gratitude for her saviour, Mary glorifies God for His mighty power, holiness and mercy. In this canticle, Mary speaks of how her soul magnifies the Lord and how God regarded the lowly maidservant. A powerful and prophetic song. A song in the middle of great difficulty. 
German Theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer spoke these words in a sermon during Advent. “The song of Mary is the oldest Advent hymn. It is at once the most passionate, the wildest; one might even say the most revolutionary Advent hymn ever sung”.
The word ‘apostle’ means to be sent forth. Apostolic ministry is to bring change or transformation in order to advance the kingdom of God. 
Mary is the first disciple: In Luke, Mary acts out her discipleship in three aspects:
Firstly, she plays a critical role in God’s mission to save the world. Her great affirmation in response to Angel's announcement is, “Let it be with me according to your word”(Vs 1:38). Mary’s response was faithful cooperation with God’s mission for the world. She took a step of faith and trusted God with her life. Not only is she the one who carried God’s son in her womb, she is also the one who nursed, mothered and raised Jesus into the man who changed the world.
Secondly, she hastens to go to her relative Elizabeth to share the good news. Mary’s visit and stay strengthened her body, mind, and soul; even influenced the baby in her womb. She gave the first gospel testimony to her cousin Elizabeth. 
Thirdly, In this canticle, Mary develops discipleship to the fullest by interpreting the good news she has brought to Elizabeth. She translates her blessedness in terms of an eschatological dimension; that God in His care and love will eventually bring about the reversal of the human condition. This eschatological dimension embraces a wide mass of suffering humanity. She indicates that it is the fulfillment of all that God has promised to His people. With His might He will reverse the order of things. 
Queen of the Apostles: Some Theologians described Mary as the Queen of the Apostles because she was chosen for a great mission to be the mother of Jesus Christ. She faithfully accomplished her God-given mission by giving birth to Jesus in Bethlehem, raised Him in the city of Nazareth, followed Him in Jerusalem at His crucifixion and with the apostles after His ascension. Luke describes that after the Ascension event, the disciples gathered together in the upper room for constant prayer. A remarkable note here is that Mary is named explicitly, as the twelve are (Acts 1:14). She was there on the great day of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, and witnessed the extraordinary clothing with the Holy Spirit that transformed and empowered the early disciples.  Her noble presence and prayers were a great thrust and inspiration to the apostles in taking up the Mission all over the world.
As our motto is ‘Lighted to Lighten’, we are responsible to give relevant interpretation to the Gospel and communicate it to our changing world. 


Dear Lord, help us to spread your fragrance everywhere we go. Use us to carry on your mission as your servant and disciple. Lord, pour out your spirit, so that we might be strengthened to go forth and witness to the Gospel in our everyday life through our words and actions. Amen!

Thought for the Day
A woman of vision does not stop dreaming, because she knows she has a mission to accomplish.
Rose Chacko W/O Rev. Joseph Chacko

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