Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Care oriented Education

Matthew  19:16-22

V. 16 "“Master what good deed i must do to have eternal life "

In a world where knowledge is abundant and technology continues to advance, the pursuit of education often centers on career aspirations and personal achievements. However, as we delve into Matthew 19:16-22, we uncover a profound lesson that redirects our focus towards a different kind of education—one that is care-oriented.
In this passage, a young man approaches Jesus, seeking guidance on eternal life. This encounter is a powerful reminder that education is not solely about intellectual enrichment, but also about cultivating a heart of compassion and care. Jesus responds by listing the commandments, emphasizing moral and ethical values that govern our interactions with others. Verse 21 holds a critical moment: "Jesus looked at him and loved him." Here, we witness care in action. Jesus doesn't merely dispense knowledge; He cares deeply for this young man's well-being. He recognizes the need to address not only his spiritual concerns but also his attachments to material possessions. This teaches us that care-oriented education involves addressing the holistic needs of individuals—nurturing their minds, hearts, and souls.
The subsequent dialogue reveals that the young man finds it difficult to part with his possessions. This highlights a common challenge in today's education system—balancing personal ambition with a sense of responsibility and empathy towards others. As educators, parents, and learners, we must reflect on our own attachments and consider how they influence our ability to care for those around us.
The passage concludes with Jesus' poignant statement, "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." This isn't solely about wealth; it's about the barriers we construct—whether materialistic, intellectual, or emotional—that hinder us from embracing a care-oriented way of life. We are called to love our neighbours as ourselves, to extend a helping hand, and to empathize with the struggles of others. 
Education should equip us not only with skills but also with a sense of responsibility to contribute positively to the well-being of our communities. Incorporating care into education means promoting kindness, understanding, and empathy as foundational principles. It involves encouraging collaboration over competition, compassion over indifference, and a commitment to social justice. Just as Jesus looked upon the young man with love, let us approach education with the same care and love for one another.
May we be inspired by Matthew 19:16-22 to embark on a journey of care-oriented education—a journey that transforms not only our minds but also our hearts.


Father God, Please enable us to use our education to shape a better society to live in and help others to see God in all walks of life. Amen.

Thought for the Day

The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom and those who lack the beginning  have neither the middle or the end.

Rev.Baby John
Diocesan secretary,Adoor diocese and Vicar Immanuel Mar Thoma Church    Adoor.      

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