Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Environment: To Till And Keep
Proverbs 8: 22-31
“The Lord brought me forth as the first of his work, before his deeds of old.”
This passage is the most important of Proverbs Chapter 8. It reveals and explains wisdom source and origin.
What is wisdom? It is the power of right judgment. It is the ability to discern any matter or situation and know the perfect solution. God did not experiment using trial and error. When he created, he had infinite wisdom before he created. Everything was very good (Genesis 1:31). He sees the past, present and future equally. There are no contingencies to Him. He understands everything forever. There are no surprises to him and no difficulties, no perplexities and no complexities.
1. The Origin of Wisdom: Wisdom is described as if it were a person and its origin is located in God himself. “The Lord brought me forth as the first of his work.” The phrase “as the first of his work” can be translated in the beginning of his way.” When God began to create wisdom was already there. “I was appointed from eternity.”-V23. I was formed long ages ago at the very beginning when the world came to be. Wisdom is personified in Proverbs but it is fundamentally a divine attribute; it belongs to God being and hidden with him. In verse 24 it states, “When there were no oceans, I was given birth.” When God began to create, wisdom was born into the world and it was first conceived in God’s mind. Wisdom not only determined the physical structure of the created world but also its functions.
2. Obtaining Wisdom: The source of wisdom is always God. “For the Lord gives wisdom and from his mouth comes knowledge and understanding.” – Prov. 2:6 We are recipients of true wisdom as we reflect on which we have seen and experienced. This type of wisdom is presided by the fear of the Lord.
3. Christ and Wisdom: As creator, God counted wisdom most important. Wisdom is older than the universe and it was essential in its creation. Wisdom leads to joy because creation produces joy. Both for the creator and for the creation.
Father you are all wise, the source of all true wisdom. Lead us Lord to the way we have to go through and direct us to the path that you have prepared for us.
Thought for the Day
Nothing comes into existence without wisdom.
Mary Roy
New York Epiphany Mar Thoma Church