Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Beyond My World

Mark 13: 13- 19

Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons.

In the words of Emil Brunner, "The Church exists for mission as a fire exists for burning. Where there is no mission, there is no church." This powerful statement reminds us of the inherent purpose and calling of the Church - to ignite and spread the fire of God's love to the ends of the earth. 
As followers of Christ, we are part of a great mission that stretches across time and space. As Abraham Mar Thoma envisioned, "Every Marthomite is a missionary" to this missionary spirit, handed down through generations. It is a heritage that drives us to embrace our role as bearers of the Gospel, not confined by geographical boundaries or limited by cultural differences. 
Reflecting on the mission of the Twelve as depicted in the Gospel of Mark, we are reminded of the dual nature of their calling. First and foremost, they were called to be with Jesus, witnessing His ministry, learning from Him, and preserving the truth of His teachings. This intimate relationship with Jesus fueled their passion and prepared them for the second aspect of their mission - to go and proclaim the Good News, extending the impact of Jesus' ministry.
Similarly, we are called to be 'with Jesus'; daily. We must cultivate a deep and personal relationship with Him, spending time in His presence and allowing His love to transform us. From this place of intimacy and spiritual growth, we are equipped to fulfill our mission in the world.
The Church's mission is not limited to a select few; it encompasses every believer. We are all called to be missionaries, carrying the torch of God's love and grace into our communities, workplaces, and beyond. Just as the Mar Thoma Mexico mission reached out to fisher families in Ponte Norte and Fantasia and later developed Colonia Mar Thoma to enhance spiritual, health, and educational development. We have a unique opportunity to uplift and serve those around us. Our mission is not a mere obligation or duty; it is a response to the overwhelming love we have received from God. It is a fire burning within us, compelling us to share the good news of salvation and to demonstrate His love through acts of compassion and service.
Let us embrace our mission wholeheartedly, knowing that we are not alone as we go. Jesus promised to be with us always, to the end of the age. We have the Holy Spirit as our guide and the assurance that God's presence accompanies us in every step we take. May the fire of God's love burn brightly within us, igniting a passion for mission and transforming lives wherever we go. Let us be the Church, fueled by love and dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission. Together, let us make a difference in our world for the glory of


Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of being part of Your mission in the world. Ignite within us a burning passion for sharing Your love and making disciples of all nations. Equip us with boldness, wisdom, and compassion as we reach out to those in need. May our lives reflect Your love and grace, drawing others into a relationship with You. In Jesus'; name, we pray. Amen.


Rev. Sonu Skariah Varghese 
St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Houston

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