Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Faithful Stewards
Luke 12: 24-27
"Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them."
One of the greatest contributions of science is that it has helped us better understand the world that God created. Until Copernicus and Galileo, humanity believed that Earth was the center of the universe. Until Darwin, people believed that all species were created exactly as they currently exist. Science played a critical role in revealing the mysteries of our world, putting earth as a small part of a vast universe and human beings, as only a part of a complex web of life on this planet. Christians sometimes make the mistake of harboring an anthropocentric worldview, where everything else in creation is created for humans. We have a very human-centered view of the world.
In Luke 12:24-27, Jesus debunks this notion, asking us to "Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them." Jesus, here, reminds us that very created being in this world holds significance to God. From the sparrows to the ravens, to the lilies of the field, God loves and provides for them all. He carefully crafted the entirety of creation and takes responsibility for its well-being. Therefore, we have no right to abuse or exploit any part of it for our own selfish desires.
In Genesis 2:15, God commanded Adam to "till and keep" the Garden of Eden. We are stewards of creation, and we are called to till and keep the earth, not in a way that exploits or destroys it, but in a way that enhances its beauty, preserves its biodiversity, and ensures its sustainability for future generations.
Recent climate-related events including forest fires, melting of ice caps, loss of coral reefs and unusual flooding are clear indications that we are not living up to our responsibility as stewards of the earth. Let us recommit ourselves to this duty by considering the well-being of every creature and the ecosystems they inhabit. As stewards of God's creation, let us be intentional in our daily actions and decisions, seeking to honor God by caring for His creation.
Lord who takes care of the sparrow and raven, we thank you for the beauty of creation that surrounds us. Help us to have a renewed commitment to be responsible stewards of this world.
Thought for the Day
Earth is all what we have in common. Be gentle with it.