Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Be Witnesses to the Risen Lord / Feast of Ascension of our Lord

Luke 24:50-53
You are witnesses of these things.

During the forty days after his resurrection from the dead and before ascension to heaven, Jesus appeared about 12 times to different people. First, he appeared to the women who came to anoint his body near the tomb, then to the disciples, several times. In one of his appearances Jesus said to them you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and all Judea and Samaria and to the end of the earth. Acts.1:8.
A witness is commonly understood as someone who testifies on behalf of a person or to an event that he or she has seen with their own eyes or which that person has firsthand knowledge. To be a witness to Christ is to demonstrate by our words, actions and attitudes the sacred mystery that we have seen heard and believe in our hearts about the Lord who has forgiven our sins and experience that joy of salvation that was given free.
St. John 1:1. That which from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we looked upon and have touched with our hands. Everything that St. John describes is from his firsthand knowledge and experience.
The Holy Spirit enables and empowers one to become a real authentic witness. Witnessing by the disciples starts in Jerusalem because that is where they failed miserably. In place of failure, disappointment, fear and guilt they became fearless even ready to face death. Although Peter betrayed Jesus three times, after the Holy Spirit came and took control over Peter he preached with courage and clear conviction and three thousand people were convicted of their sins and were baptized in one day. Be a witness for the Lord means to be a Christ like example for others in every situation. Jesus entrusted the continuation of His ministry of teaching and healing to his disciples. As His disciples we are expected to be authentic witnesses of a crucified, resurrected and soon coming Christ.

Dear Lord Jesus we thank you for what you have accomplished for us by your death, burial and resurrection and ascension into heaven. Help us to be your true witnesses in any and every situations and places we are placed. Amen.

Sharing and witnessing the firsthand personal experience is the best way to communicate the Gospel to the world.

P. V. Varughese
St Thomas Mar Thoma Church, Houston

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