Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


St. Mathew: 26  17-29

V.28: This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many
for the forgiveness of the sins.

  As we remember the last supper and the humble act of the Lord, and as we gather at the Lord's table to receive his body and blood in person or in spirit, may we remember to follow His command to love one another. When we partake in the breaking of bread and share the cup,  and  we experience or witness the washing of the feet, we are reminded to go beyond the many barriers that divide us, transcend the hate that surround us, and to serve our fellow brothers and sisters in love.
              Maundy thursday is the day the church  recalls  as the last supper of the Lord, the holy event in the life of Christ, which forms the basis for the sacrament of Holy Eucharist. The theology of  holy communion is understood in the greek word “anamnesis”  which means remembrance. Jesus spoke at the last supper  “ Do this in remebrance of me”. This portion is also emphasized in Paul's letter to corinthians. The word Maundy  came from the latin word “mandatum”
which means commandment. Jesus and His desciples ate the passover meal the night before His crucifixion.  The feast of the unleavened bread lasted seven days and the whole time was known as passover.
               Jesus told the disciples that, one who dipped his hand into the bowl with Him will betray him. Judas' love for money forced him to betray his master  for 30 pieces of silver. It was the custom by some in the middle east, to dip a piece of bread into a bowl of sauce at the table with a friend,  that clearly was an indication that “ Iam your friend and I will not hurt you”. This fact made Judas' action all the more  a despicable  person. It is worth to note that Judas was thinking of himself, and did the wrong thing. Jesus on the other hand did not take anything, but gave himself for everyone, so he did the right thing for God's glory.
                  As we partake in the holy communion; the bread and the wine represents a new covenant – a covenant of grace instituted by Jesus as a new prescription to man for his alienation from God. 
Since, sin expelled man from Garden of Eden, eucharist is a time of fellowship with the Lord, an intimate time of remembrance and worship of Jesus' sacrifice for us.  Finished work of Jesus on the cross put an end to any more sacrifices  ever after.  Jesus continued, he will not eat  any more passover meals until the coming of the future Kingdom of God.  Then he will renew the fellowship with those who through ages have consummated in the great messianic “ wedding supper to come”.  Rev.19.9.

Lord Jesus, help us to be partakers of your body and blood, in remembrance of what you have instituted  at the last supper. Help us to maintain an intimate fellowship with you for ever. Amen.

Thought for the Day
 Holy communion, a covenant of grace instituted by Jesus – a new prescription for our alienation from God.
Dr.JohnK.Thomas   Tabor MTC

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