Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Acknowledging Christ

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and he will make straight your paths." – Proverbs 3:5-6.

A lot of verses in the book of Proverbs centers around wisdom and leads us on how to face and encounter different scenarios/aspects in our life. One of them is, as our progress forward in building our faith, we lean more on Christ. As we look back on how we have dealt with situations, did we call on the Lord first,  to guide us through different situations or did we wait to cry out to Him when we felt we were unable to handle the situation anymore.
Many a times, we keep a blind mindset that our understanding is correct and remain ignorant to what is said or shown  around us. I’m sure a number of pointers would be coming to our minds. In retrospect,  ‘I would have done a lot of things differently’ is a phrase we think about or use often. God is with us, but do we not often ignore that?
As Christians, do we not often sway away from the truth and at some point start giving importance to ‘me’ instead of the Lord?  That is when we start feeling that everything around us is inadequate. Instead of growing, by leaning on him, do we stop acknowledging his presence? Continuous dependence and closeness to the Lord are two main keys that we, Christians should not go without. What excited us as a Christian 10 years ago should excite us more now, and the Lord will be expecting more from us using our talents, strengths, weaknesses and experiences.
Let us affirm today, that as Christians, we will wholeheartedly leave it all to the Lord and take the next path as He shows us. Let us make it a habit  to acknowledge Him in every situation and not complain about something or someone, but look at what the Lord is urging us to do with the opportunity He has provided.  Let no fear or ego take precedence, but place our full trust in the Lord to lead us through each day so that we travel in His path. He will guide us through paths and situations that are beyond our understanding!.

 Father Lord, we acknowledge that You are the one and only God, Help us walk closer to You each day and keep You foremost in every aspect of our lives. A lot of things happening around us are beyond our understanding Lord, but You guide us and lead us through the path You want to take us. Amen.

                                                  Thought for the day
         Trust in the Lord, and do good; Dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Psalm 91:9-10.

                                            Philip Varghese

                                        Carmel MTC, Boston

 Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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