Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Women: Defenders of Faith
Esther 4:13-17.V14 “And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”
God has a plan for our life. There are times when God will ask us to do things that are difficult. Can God accomplish His plans without you and me? Yes. But He asks us to participate in His plans because it strengthens our faith. As we seek to fulfill God's plans for our lives, we may face uncertainty, failure, fear, and suffering.
Here we find Esther in a position to save her people, the Jews, from death. This young Jewish woman was born during the captivity of her people. Her ancestors were taken from their homeland to Babylon because of their sins. Then, Babylon had been conquered; and she lived under the kingdom of the Median-Persian Empire. Others of her people had left their captivity and returned to their native land; however, she and her elder cousin, Mordecai, were not among them. She was raised by her cousin Mordecai.
Esther was among the women who were brought to the palace for the king's scrutiny. God gave her great favor among all, and she soon became queen. But Esther did not reveal her ethnic identity. It was at that time the Jews suffered from great racial hatred. They were a minority in Persia for years. Despite the odds stacked against her, through God's providence Esther was able to save the Jewish race. God intentionally placed Esther in the king’s path so that she could speak on behalf of the Jewish people. God had saved the Jews through the faith of Queen Esther.
God wants us to have faith in Him and believe that God has specific plans for our lives and that He uses good and bad circumstances to bring us into situations that will bring Him glory.
As we go through our day-to-day lives, we must stand up for truth and become defenders of the Christian faith.
God calls us to respect others before our own interests. We are defenders of the faith when we inspire, encourage, and build others up through our words and actions instead of harshly criticizing others. Each one of us is positioned for a reason and to make a difference.
Thought for the Day
“He will be the sure foundation for your times, a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge; the fear of the Lord is the key to this treasure.” Isaiah 33:6.
Jooley M Zachariah
Trinity Marthoma Church, Houston