Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Acts: 8:9-17Verse:22 “Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart”.
In Acts chapter 8, in the first few verses, we see a revival come to Samaria as Apostle Philip preached the good news of Jesus Christ.
About 750 years B.C the Assyrians conquered northern Israel and deported all the wealthy, religious, Jews from there. Then they moved in pagan population there. These pagans intermarried with the rest of the Jewish people left over there, and these new communities are known as samaritans. Because Christ has worked in them, there was no prejudice against Samaritans in Philip. Hearing the gospel and seeing the miracles he did, presented an impressive confirmation among people and they accepted Jesus.
Among them was a certain man named Simon who practiced
witchcraft and magic, who earned big respect among the people. He closely watched Philip and his miracles and was listening Gospel of Jesus. He was a false believer, impressed Philip, and got baptized. His satanic activity was not noticed by Philip. Simon's sorcery and magical actions were simply satanic, and he took advantage of the ignorance and superstitions of the common people. Hearing the news, the Jerusalem church sent Peter and John to empower the newly baptized people with the Holy Spirit. Simon was fascinated by this, however, his insincere, false faith was hidden until he offered money in exchange for giving him the power to give holy spirit to anyone he likes. He sinfully presented himself to apostles, who rebuked him for his wickedness against the power of the Holy Spirit. Gift God is received freely from Him by faith. Perhaps, pride and false faith, lead him to buy the Spirit of God.
Lord Oftentimes, we wrongfully think that we may attain gifts of God for money, due to our pride or false faith. Lord, we repent of our sins and bless us according to your great compassion and unfailing love.
Thought for the Day
simply think that money follows blessing, not blessing following money which is a sin.
Dr.John K.Thomas Tabor MTC