Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
JOB 39:1-21
Most scholars consider the book of Job to be the finest wisdom text of the Jewish and Christian canons. No other biblical text addresses the question of divine justice especially why bad things happen to good people.it is a story that speaks to every generation and to every individual who has known undeserved suffering. The contradiction in the structure, theme, and different characters throw light on Job’s complete message about the different perspectives concerning God’s creation and His plan for the world. One of the most astonishing things God has done is the creation of the universe and the different objects He allowed to inhabit this earth. Psalm 104:31 says the glory of the Lord shall endure for ever: the Lord shall rejoice in His works. When He finished all the creation including man and woman in His own image the scripture says: And God saw everything that He had made and behold it was very good ‘.
Creation reveals His unsurpassed power. He created the moon, the sun, and all the stars, He called His creation by names he made and none of His creations are any failures. Creation expresses His Glory as we read in Psalms 19:1. The heavens declare the glory and the firmament proclaims the work of His hands. Humanity is created to praise Him all the time and worship Him. Creation reveals His glory and unrivaled wisdom. Creation also leads us to look at Him and get amazed at the beautiful work. If the work of His hands is full of wisdom, power, grandeur, majesty, and beauty we can comprehend with our brain, we can imagine How that God will be even though it is not practical. At the end of the day, it will not be the seas or the mountains, the skies or the clouds or the stars of the great galaxies that fill our hearts with eternal praise, but it will be the true God Himself.
In today’s portion for devotion, we see the divine encounter. It is a two-way conversation between Job and God. God speaks and Job responds. This chapter is mainly concerned with the animal world and does not fit the topics in the previous chapter. God moves into the area of fauna to illustrate divine control. It describes God’s provisions for the wellbeing of all his creations namely mountain goats, wild assessment, ostriches, horses, etc. Even their varying vivid behaviors are also divinely masterminded. The contrast in behavior of the wild and domestic animals is also described. describing how well planned and articulate was the Creation. Psalm 18:30 reads “As for God his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless: he shields all who take refuge in him “. God’s ways are higher than humans can understand. We cannot know why God does what He does and why He does. He is mysterious, wonderful, and praiseworthy. Thinking and meditating about this God shall lead us to worship Him in truth and spirit. God has finally revealed himself in the person of Jesus and that is incarnation. All our conversations and creations we see in this world shall ultimately point ourselves to God and God alone. He is an awesome God and let His name be glorified. Amen
Loving father help us to invest more of our time reading and understanding the wisdom found in your scriptures so that we may grow in our knowledge of you and share it with others,
Thought for the Day
Christian life shall reflect the wisdom of God
Annie Jose
The Mar Thoma Church Staten Island.