Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Overcoming Temptations
Joshua 7:16-26“No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.” - 1 Corinthians 10:13
In this life, we may find that temptation constantly stirs in our hearts. Oftentimes, it may seem that our wishes to withdraw from this temptation can be overshadowed by the mere thoughts of what we can selfishly gain by entertaining these temptations. From my own personal life, I have learned that in doing so, the outcomes are temporary and fleeting. From the passage taken from Corinthians, Paul is leveling with his fellow believers in hopes to dissuade them from giving in to temptation. He does this by first informing everyone that what they feel has been felt by others. This provides an assurance that they are not alone in their struggle. Furthermore, it shows them the importance of a community that is willing to support them not only through the good times, but the darkest of days. Paul goes on to instill the idea that God only gives to us what he believes we can handle, especially for temptation. When I was a little kid, my parents used to hide cookies from me after our weekly Costco runs because I would eat them all as if I was trying to speed run my way to diabetes. Me also being mischievous, would easily find their hiding spot and finish my side quest. As silly of an example as that is, temptations in life are not like a box of chocolates or cookies. Following through with your temptations can lead to catastrophic consequences, for which none of us can foresee. Due to his lust, King David indirectly killed a man to satisfy his desires (2 Samuel 11:15). Judas betrayed his dearest friend and teacher, Jesus, all to whet his greed with a bag of coins (Matthew 26:15). Of course God certainly doesn’t deliver temptation without a means to escape or overcome it. When faced with multiple advances from Potiphar’s wife, Joseph took his stand to not betray both his master and God by falling into sin (Genesis 39:9). Although this choice landed him in jail, it lay the path for him to be the most powerful man in Egypt, second only to the Pharaoh. Trials and tribulations will find us at inopportune times, but just as immense pressure and heat turn a lump of coal into a diamond, these temptations that we overcome transform us into the sons and daughters that our Father in Heaven sees us as.
Father God, I ask that you bless me with guidance through the temptations I face. Hold my hand so as not to let me walk these difficult days alone. Give me the faith necessary to trust in your path for me and to know that brighter days are yet ahead. All through your name I ask and pray. Amen.
Thought for the Day
When we are at our lowest points in life, we are open to the greatest change.
Jonathan Joshua
St. James Mar Thoma Church, NY