Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 We Are Called to Evangelize

LUKE 10:1-11
(v.2a) “He told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few’.”

When we think of the new year, it is a time in which we should introspect our lives.  We often hear the yearly challenges that we put on ourselves such as new year’s resolutions and the like, but understanding that we are blessed that God has given us another year to journey in this world is indeed a significant blessing.  Our tomorrow is not certain, and uncertain as we exist in this world, we should be thankful while at the same time know that we are blessed.  Blessings are given with responsibilities, not just for us to remain comfortable in a bubble.  So instead of just making goals of resolutions, are we able to make our life committed to God?

This passage guides us to understand our journey into this new year by knowing that we are existing in this world with a purpose.  More than how much we think we are equipped or ready to do the work of God, are we AVAILABLE to live fully for Him.  Our God-given talents, as well as weaknesses should be surrendered to God so that through Him, He can use us in unexpected ways.  A significant number of people had been following Jesus, other than the 12 disciples.  We read here that Jesus designated a group of 72 people.  From a worldly standpoint, they were not educated, qualified or capable.  What made them equipped to be chosen is their trust in God and His power that works through them.

in v.3, God sends the 72 like lambs among wolves.  We too are sent in the same way.  Our response to the situation in which we experience matters.  We must react in kindness and gentleness promoting Christ’s unconditional love in all that we do, and we should live the life God has granted us by being alert and ready.  In this new year, let us abide in God so that His love can abide in us so that we can share it with the world around us.


Triune God, thank you for the last years of blessings that You have showered upon us.  Guide us Lord to be willingly available to You to use us in ANY way that You choose to.  We are Yours, help us to remember that.  Mold us in Your ways in this new year.  In Christ’s name, we pray, Amen.

Thought for the Day
“Be open to GOD’s graces, and live your life as a hymn of praise to our Creator.” - Pamela Mandela Idenya

Rev. Jess M. George
Youth Chaplain, N.E. Region

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