Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


LUKE 1 57-66
Vs 66: For it was plain that the Lord’s power was upon Him.

 A}  The word of God illuminates all creatures.
The word of God illuminates human life and all its creations. The word of God creates life, enables to sustain life, it guides, strengthens, and redeems life. In today’s passage, the word of God has given new directions to Elizabeth’s life. When Zachariah receives the word of God through Gabriel, we see everyone rejoicing with Elizabeth It enables the joy of the community along with the happiness of the individual. Christian joy when we celebrate, it shall be the joy of the community,

B, Initiation to the mission of God: 
The obedience of the aged parents to the voice of God in naming the child contrary to the prevalent norm and the restoration of the speech forced the world to take notice of the child, here we see the aged parents sowing the seeds of faith in the life of the little child making him aware of the new responsibility. God’s plan of redeeming the people and world has begun and John is sent as a forerunner to announce that to the public;

c. Instructions to the ministers of God.
The prophetic utterance of the ministry of John offers new insights to the understanding of ministry. Every minister must preach and is destined to preach the message of salvation leading to Jesus Christ who alone can offer the forgiveness of sins. Further, we see here all ministers who preach Christ-like John shall be empowered by the Holy Spirit to lead a disciplined life.
The birth of John the Baptist was the fulfillment of the word of God. On the eighth day, we see John’s parents bring the boy to be circumcised. They observed the custom as part of the observation of the word of God or Law.
We see also the naming of the child in obedience to the word of God. As per the tradition they had to give the baby the father’s name. But here as by the direction of the Holy Spirit, they named him John. Elizabeth remembered and saw the fulfillment of the promise of God. When Zachariah lost his faith, he lost his ability to speak and he regained his speech when they named the baby John, He started praising God. But the events sent a shudder through the minds of neighbors and all of them started pondering what this child is going to be, but it was plain that Lord’s power was upon Him. The word of God is always a lamp unto our feet and a beacon of light to our path. Let this meditation may allow us to surrender and obey the word of God every day of our life. Amen 

Father God help us to learn to sit back and trust you completely instead of trying to force our own ways in our daily activities,

Thought for the Day
 The Lord Himself will give you a sign. The virgin will be with a child and will give birth to a son and will call Him Immanuel. This is the word of God. 

Rev. Baby John
Vicar Immanuel Mar Thoma Church Adoor.

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