Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Lead Me on the Level Path

Psalms 143
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God. Let your good spirit lead me on a level path.”
 (Psalms 143:10)

Apostle Paul speaks of God’s feelings about King David in the Acts of Apostles: “After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do’” (Acts 13:22). 
David’s absolute faith is evident throughout his life, especially in Psalms 143. This prayer teaches us a few important values that we should remember when we are in the presence of God.
1. Accept that God is the righteous one and we are at His mercy.
“Lord, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy; in your faithfulness and righteousness come to my relief. Do not bring your servant into judgment, for no one living is righteous before you.” (Psalms 143 1:2)
David did not approach God as the ruler of Israel, but instead understood his inequities and accepted the fact that no one is righteous in this world other than God. When we look into the parable of Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14), we can see that the Lord heard the prayer of the tax collector, who was humble and accepted his mistakes. When we are in the presence of the Lord, we should be ready to accept our shortcomings and accept the fact that we are in this world at the Creator’s mercy. Let us come always into God’s presence with an attitude of humility, so that God can hear and answer us.
2. Always hope for His unfailing love and put your trust in Him.
Psalms 143 Verses 3-7 expresses how much pain David was going through. His life was in danger from the attack of his enemies led by his own son. Even though he made a lot of mistakes in his life, King David had hope in the unfailing love of his creator.
Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life. (Psalms 143:9)
Jesus emphasized this unfailing love of the father in the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32).
Thus, let us remember that we have father who loves and forgives us even though we have shortcomings. 
3. Be ready to do God’s will because there is no other God.
“Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.” (Psalms 143:10)
David’s submissive heart to God is evident from when he herded sheep to when he ran away from Saul to even when he was crowned as a king. God chooses people who are obedient to him to accomplish difficult tasks in this world.
David submitted himself to God’s will without any doubt, which made him the greatest king of Israel. 
This submissiveness continued through generations. According Mathew 1:19-20 when the time has come to send His son to redeem us, God chose Joseph from the family of David.
Joseph was not walking on the level path of his life when the angel appeared to him in the dream. He knew that he could not do anything other than submitting to the will of God like David. 
We may also end up in situations where we have no personal power to stand up. Our hearts cry out to God, asking Him to teach us to do His will and for the Spirit to guide us to the place, where we can walk on level path and live the life that pleases God. Rather than giving up in circumstances that seem overwhelming, we should cry out to our Father in Heaven and trust that the Holy Spirit brings His answer and His power into our lives and brings God's blessing and deliverance.


Heavenly Father, empower us with unwavering faith. Lord grant us the wisdom and discernment to carry out your will and walk on level path – Amen

Thought for the Day
“Faith is born and sustained by the Word of God, and out of faith grows the flower of joy.” - John Piper

Jinu Joy, Epiphany Mar Thoma Church

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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