Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Annunciation to Joseph

Romans 4:3-22
Who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations.” -Romans 4:18

Today’s scripture passage focuses on the faith of Abraham. The Patriarch Abraham is known with several titles
The father of many nations
Father of faith
A friend of God

In Genesis 12:2 God made a promise with Abram “I will make you a great nation, I will bless you and make your name great.”  Abraham was 75 years of age and scripture tells us his wife Sarai was barren; they had no children.  God makes this promise to Abram that He will make a great nation from Abram.  The only problem is Abram and Sarai have no children at this age.  Abram was 75 years of age and Sarai was 65 years of age.  

Twenty-four years have passed and in Genesis chapter 17:5 God says to Abraham “No longer shall your name be called Abram, but your name shall be Abraham; for I have made you a father of many nations”.   In the following chapter God appears to Abraham and tells him, “I will certainly return to you according to the time of life and behold Sarah your wife shall have a son.” 

It has been over two decades since The Lord made the initial promise with Abram in Genesis 17.  Now the time has come, and God says to Abraham that he and his wife Sarah will have a child.  Sarah is now 89 years of age. 

In Romans 4:13-22 Paul tells us that Abraham was called righteous because of his faith.  Paul says Abraham’s faith in the impossible is to be as an example for us believers regardless of our situation.  Referring to Abraham in verse 18 Paul says, “who, contrary to hope, in hope believed, so that he became the father of many nations.” 

We should understand that when God made the initial promise to Abraham that he would be the father of a great nation; Abraham was 75 years old, Sarah was 65 years old, and it was physically still a possibility to bear children.  Now Abraham is 99 years of age, and his wife Sarah was 89 years old, and scripture tells us she was passed her childbearing years.  So, her womb was closed, it would not be possible for her to bear children.  This promise seemed dead; this promise now seemed like an impossibility.  

But Abraham believed, in Romans 4:20-21 it says with regards to Abraham “He did not waver at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strengthened in faith, giving glory to God and being fully convinced that what He had promised He was also able to perform.” 

Abraham did not rely on his circumstances, his age rather Abraham relied on the word given to him by the Maker of heaven and earth.  Abraham relied on the promise made to him by the Alpha and Omega, Abraham trusted the word given to him by his Friend, The Almighty God.  

Abraham trusted The Lord’s word because he trusted The Lord, which stemmed from a relationship he had with The Living God.  He trusted the word given to Him.  His eyes were not focused on his situation (which at times is important) but Abraham gave more credence to His friend’s word.  God made Abraham a promise some 25 years ago and now it is humanly impossible to bring that promise to fruition.  A miracle is needed and that is what happened.  God opened Sarah’s womb and she gave birth to Isaac the son of promise. 

God can open closed doors for you and me, that which is sealed shut can be opened with one word from The Master.  You and I have promises for our lives that God will keep.  The issue that arises is, you and I properly hearing those promises.  Abraham had such an intimate relationship with God and was viewed as a friend.  If my earthly father gives me a word I will bank on that word.  How much more we should trust a promise given to us by God.  

God speaks to us, He guides us, He gives us promises.  One condition to hear, to be guided properly is for us to have a clean vessel.  When we walk with The Lord, we are challenged to set aside our sins and to repent.  And when we do so our vessels are cleansed, our sight restored our impaired hearing healed.  

As we move closer to Christmas and celebrate the birth of Our Savior.  Remember Jesus wants to set things right in your life.  Let faith rise up to believe that doors will open, relationships healed.  Add faith to the equation and walk closer with Him who calls us friend.  


Dear Lord, there are moments in life where my faith is weak.  There are times when I am overwhelmed by all that surrounds me and the struggles that exist.  Help me Lord to keep my eyes focused on You, to trust You and place my faith in You because You have said “Never will I leave you nor forsake you.” 

Thought for the Day
God is trying to bring us to a place where we trust Him, sink or swim, live or die I am going to trust. Our faith helps to create the narrative for our challenges.  

Saji George, Epiphany Mar Thoma Church

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