Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Renewal of the Church
Ephesians 6:1-9V. 2: “Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise”.
This passage speaks about obedience. As we meditate on the theme of the renewal of the church, we must realize for that to happen, we must first guide our very own homes to push for renewal. The sanctification of the home is significant, and a God-fearing home benefits the church. The more the families of our church live a life centered around God, we can see that the church will be fruitful on a God-centered mission.
Parents and children alike should guide one another to sharpen the faith and make prayer life central to the family. The family should be there to encourage one another in their faith, not one should be a stumbling block for the other. In v. 1 and 2 there are two words we see in ‘obey’ and ‘honor’. There is a distinction between obeying and honoring. Obey refers to doing as one is told and honor refers to respect and love. Yes, this passage clearly says for children to obey and honor their parents. But it does not stop there. Children need to honor and obey their parents, and likewise, the parents need to honor and obey God. So ultimately, the children are honoring and obeying God. It is a chain of obedience, if God is not in the picture, the family will be corrupt in wrongful obedience that deters them from focusing on God. Each one of us exists here not for ourselves, but to wholeheartedly live for God.
Christian discipline should be driven out of love. Love for God and for the children. Anger should not be the driving force for discipline. In v. 4 it speaks of parental discipline should guide children to grow, it that requires much patience, parenting is never an easy thing, and that also goes with being children, both have their own struggles, but the common goal is to be all that God calls us to be, in its given time.
Triune God, bless our family, guide us to love You first and from understanding Your unconditional love to us, we can love each other. In Christ’s name we pray, Amen.