Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Renewal of the Church

Genesis 21: 1-7
V. 3: " Abraham gave the name Isaac to the son Sarah bore him."

This passage speaks about the birth of Isaac.  As we all know, Isaac means ‘he laughs.  Abraham was 100 years old when Isaac was born to him, Sarah was 90.  God did what was seen as impossible to two old people in Abraham and Sarah.  Isaac was the first descendent in fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham.  This passage is a reminder that God is greater than the problems that we face.  What was seen as impossible for Abraham and Sarah in their old age to have a child was an opportunity where God works to prove that all things are possible through Him.

We often fail to realize God’s loving power.  The power that God demonstrated through love.  For Abraham and Sarah, to realize that love requires patience.  That’s what we need to also come to terms with.  When things do not seem to go our way, instead of looking at it through our small viewpoint, we should remind ourselves that to see the bigger picture is to abide and trust in God.  V.7 tells that ‘Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children?  Yet I have borne him a son in his old age'.  As for her disbelief, anxiety, and fear, she lost the peace she could have felt in God’s magnificent promise to her.  In order to get peace to an anxious heart is to focus on God’s promises and to wholeheartedly trust Him.

Patience is important for Christian living.  We must realize that time does not belong to us, but rather we ourselves and the time we have, it all belongs to God.  Even our life goals, all belong to God.  Are we willing to patiently wait for His time, or wish to speed life situations up prematurely so that we can be temporally satisfied?  The world around us will not complete us, only God can, and God’s will for us is perfect, for more than we can ever imagine.  Time spent waiting on God is time never wasted.


Triune God, guide me to trust You in all that I am.  Please remind me that Your ways are far more magnificent than what I can ever imagine.  Guide me to wait and abide in You.  In Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

Thought for the Day
“God is greater than our heart, and he knows everything.”-  1 John 3:20.

Rev. Jess M. George, N.E. Regional Youth Chaplain

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