Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Renewal of the Church

 Deuteronomy 28:1-8
V. 1: " If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth."

In this passage, Moses is speaking to the Israelites before they enter Canaan, the land promised by God. He is explaining that it is their choice that if they obey all of God's commandments, they will receive all the blessings that God promised since they fled Egypt where they were slaves. 

Moses had guided the Israelites during their forty years journey through the wilderness where they lived in tents and ate manna and water. Moses now promises to the next generation of Israelites that if they obey God's commandments, they can finally settle down with their families and build homes on land in Canaan where they can drink milk and honey. 

In Luke 4:8 The devil tempts Jesus saying, “If you worship me, it will all be yours." Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.’"

‭‭Jesus' bold responses eventually dismisses the devil and this shows how Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of obedience and perseverance.  

Moses is seeking renewal through obedience of the covenant with the Israelites and although Israelites disobey God, God still fulfills His promises to the Israelites. On the other hand, Jesus Christ boldly dismisses the devil's temptations and he renews His covenant with God the Father.

Renewing of the church is revitalizing the christian family beliefs, group spirit, and planning future family activities or community projects in the name of Jesus Christ. Church begins at home with family while choosing to be like Jesus in our daily walks of life. Every time one is questioned or tested in one’s faith, one’s strong belief to choose Jesus Christ will renew their faith in God’s promises for them. 

When we make promises to our family, our home church, we plan to fulfill them. Because it is difficult to achieve, we pray to God for help. With this steadfast faith in God, we daily renew our commitment to God and church.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for the strength to obey you when you command. I commit with renewed spirit to serve you again. I ask you this in your Heavenly name, I pray.

Betzy Nireesh, St. Thomas MTC, NY

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