Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Verse: 14: And he said, these are they who come out of the great tribulation................in the blood of the lamb. 

First seven verses of this chapter, is showing us the image of the 144000. They are seald in spiritual protection from tribulation events. They are owned by God because they were faithful to Him. They were from the all tribes of Israel. Then John saw a great multitude, so great that no one can number them. They came from every nation, peoples, languages and they are standing before the throne and before the Lamb. Further, the great multitude was clothed in white and have palm branches in their hands. 
The people were crying out, Hosanna,Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Blesssed be the King of Israel. Palm branches denote the victory of the Christ the ruling King. In verse 13 17 we see the elder who explained John who the multitude of people were. The first thing the elder told is that these people are ones who came out of the tribulation. The great tribulation is period of final hostility before Christ's return. They stood firm in their faith and came victorious by washing in the blood of the lamb and wore while robes. 
This is the life of eternal fellowship with God and Christ. And This fellowship is only offered to those who maintain their faith in Christ even through the physical suffering and death. 
Jesus did not start a religion, or started sects of divided christian churches. Then it is of real importance to move into the ecumenism and take a lead role in transforming the Universal church. CCI is playing an important role in organizing the unity of churches and fellowship. Afterall, eternity is kept for those believers who will successfully comes out of great tribulation. Christ Jesus matters along with our unwavering faith in him 

O lord Jesus, enable us to remain faithful to the end and be able to stand in your presence, wearing white robes, washed in your blood Thought for the day: Are we in tune for an eternity, praising God's glory 

Dr.John K. Thomas 
Tabor MTC

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