Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Multitude- The Ability and Availability for Mission.

      PSALMS 37 
Vs 3.         Trust in the Lord and do good. Live in the land and be safe. Seek your happiness in the Lord and he will give your heart’s desire.
God has created human beings differently and He has assigned each one of us to be born, brought up, and cared for by a set of parents. He is the master creator, and we are just clay in the hand of the potter. Whether we are born abled or disabled, differently-abled or differently disabled the potter knows our destiny and the purpose He wants materializing through us. There are individuals with mental, physical, developmental, neurological, and psychological conditions or disabilities as full members of the family of God and they all have a definite place in the church and the society. Few get marginalized and pushed to the boundaries unnoticed and it is the Christian responsibility to seek them, pursue them and bring them back to the mainstream. The Church has a major role in identifying and addressing the issue, advocate and promote the program of rehabilitation services, employment, appropriate education, and do all help they need to live as normal citizens in the kingdom of God.
Disabilities were always associated with sin in the Old Testament and in the New Testament period Jesus overturned that notion. Jesus was asked we see in John 9:1-3; “Rabbi, who sinned? this man or his parents, that he was born blind “. Jesus answered it was not this man nor his parents that sinned, but the works of God might be displayed in him. Jeremiah 29:11 reads: For I know the plans I have for you declared the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future. God picks with utmost care the parents whom He wants to entrust these children with special needs and God wants them to be strong in willpower, prudent, patient, sympathetic, and tolerant to take care of these children with special needs as they grow,
Here is today’s portion for meditation the Psalmist addresses the issue of who will flourish in the land, the wicked or the righteous. Who will inherit the land? The wicked who plot evil will fade away. Hopes, aspirations, and desires often push people to excel and to be at their best. Whether we are born abled or disabled our focus shall be to take delight in the Lord as He has promised us to give the desires of our heart. God is the source of all blessings. It does not mean He is going to throw out a limitless supply of gifts or fulfill our self-centered worldly dreams. The lord is always the comforter and stronghold for the righteous and the guides and protects them in the days of trouble. Let us be strong, courageous, and be faithful. Nothing happens in our life without God’s knowledge. Paul prayed for his ailment and God answered “My Grace is sufficient for you “. Let these words ring in our ears this morning and comfort us. God is in control of everything including our disabilities’.  Exo 4: 11 reads: Who has made man’s mouth? Who made him mute or deaf or blind or seeing? Is it not I,” the Lord “? Amen.

 Father God thank you for giving your word to instruct and guide your people. Your spirit will lead us and uplift us when we think we are lost. Thank you, Lord, for your ordained people around us to focus more on you and gain strength in our weakness. Let your name be glorified. Amen.

Thought for the Day:
Even at our lowest point in life we can lift our eyes to the Lord and find peace.

Dr Thomas K. Jose   The Mar Thoma Church Saten Island.

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