Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Christ: The Great Teacher

Colossians Chapter 1: 24-29
  1. God the greatest Teacher: If a teacher is the one who imparts knowledge to his disciples, guides them through the right track by giving wisdom and encouraging them to live in hope. Our Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest teacher who won the teacher hearts of the poor and the downtrodden through His teachings, Sermons, healing ministry, forgetfulness, and forgiveness. He revealed the power of God's kingdom, and no doubt, His disciples recognized the responsibility shouldered upon them to continue the ministry. The outcome was nothing but an overall transformation of the selected illiterate fishermen to extraordinary teachers who spread the Gospel by teaching, preaching, and practicing. 
  1. Paul, the persecutor of Christians transformed to a preacher for Christ:Paul who had traveled to Damascus to capture the Christians was captured by the risen Christ and brought face to face with the truth of the Good News. Paul preached for Christ throughout the Roman empire on three missionary journeys and wrote letters to various Churches which became part of the New Testament. 
  1. The theme and purpose of his letters to different Churches: If joy is the dominant theme like joy in suffering, joy in serving, joy in giving, and joy in believing in his letter to the Philippians, Paul emphasizes rejoice in suffering and rejoice in making connections i.e., a believer’s connection with God the Supreme and connection with his fellow beings; in his letter to the Colossians (Col. 1:24, 25) he says to rejoice in suffering and says that he was participating in the sufferings of Christ, that continue for his body, the church. If you have made up your mind in bringing the Good News of Christ to the world, what is unavoidable is nothing but suffering. When we suffer, Christ feels the depth of our suffering with us. It doesn't mean that Christ’s death was inadequate to have saved us but that suffering is a part of following Jesus. Jesus is our Lord and we are His servants called to suffer. He knows exactly what we are and does the best for us. So let us be the right person, walking through the right path in the right direction and rejoice in what we do suffer. Paul asks "What's your suffering more than the suffering of our Lord?" 
The false teachers in the Colossian church believed that spiritual perfection was only for a privileged few. The truth is Christ dwells in every one of us! The Mystery is Christ in you. The resurrected Christ lives in the hearts of everyone who believes in Him. So, our body is a temple of God and so let’s work together as a team to spread the message of our Lord. 
  1. Perfect teaching: Jesus' teaching about the kingdom through parables and sermons on the mountain was flawless, mature, and complete. It reminds us to use the wisdom that God has given us while sharing the gospel so that our mission will be mature and complete. Hence, we must work through our words and action like Paul. For that,
    1. We should not strive in our own strength alone.
    2. Use the power of God's Spirit working in us.
    3. Learn and grow daily motivated by love, and not by fear, pride, or hatred.
Give your heart to Jesus and let Him enter your heart. Say with humility and obedience 'Here I am Lord! Finally, do everything for the glory of God in faith and hope.
Lord, help me endure and rejoice in the suffering for spreading your message to the world. Amen

Emily Alex
Salem Mar Thoma Church
Ayur, India

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