Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Jesus Christ Fully Human and Fully Divine
St. John 17:1-8V 4” I have brought you glory on earth by finishing the work you gave me to do”.
To affirm the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ with the quote from the book “Gospel centered Hermeneutics”. What is the incarnation? Jesus is true God, Jesus is true human, there is unity without fusion, and there is distinction without separation. It is the coming down of God to live among humankind.
John 17 is one of the greatest chapters in the Bible, and certainly one of the most treasured. This chapter is very unique and is known as the High Priestly prayer of Jesus. Here Jesus is giving the disciples some detailed instructions. It is a deep conversation between God and Jesus and the disciples and the gospel readers are privileged to listen to this intimate conversation.
Jesus glorified God on earth by finishing the work God gave him to do (17:4). In a basic sense this means he honored God through his obedience to God’s commands. During his public ministry Jesus taught what God wanted him to teach, and performed the healings and other works that God wanted him to perform. Jesus glorified God by revealing God’s power.
Jesus, who is fully divine and fully human reminds us that he is from God and intercedes for us and that he shares our humanity, our pain and suffering and will redeem it. We need to be ready to defend the truth of Jesus’s deity, Jesus’s humanity, and their joining in confusedly in one Person. Therefore, consider committing to memory many of the verses which teach that Jesus is both God and man, and be able to explain the relationship between Christ’s two natures to others.
May we look forward to the day when we see him face to face. Until then, may the joyful hope of this day inspire in us a great diligence in serving and worshiping him.
Triune God, thank you for the closeness you have granted us and also the assurance that we are safe in your hands. Help us to behold His glory in our day to day life, and listen to Him. In Jesus name we pray. Amen.
Thought for the day Lift Up the name of Jesus and take Him at His Word.
Rev. Aju Abraham
Diocesan Secretary/ Bishop Secretary
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church
Diocesan Secretary/ Bishop Secretary
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church