Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Priests called to be imitators of Christ

2 Timothy 2:1-13
“Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David. This is my gospel.” V.8

In today’s scripture portion Apostle Paul begins by encouraging young Timothy to focus on the gospel, a message which concerns the Lord Jesus Christ, raised from the dead. The expression "raised from the dead" is the central truth of the gospel. Jesus Christ who rose from the dead is the unblemished, sacrificial victim and sinless high priest and brought us salvation. Christ himself is the cornerstone. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection are the foundation of a new community of which God is the author and perfector. Christ has broken the bonds of death and is alive, and because he lives we may live also.

In addition, St. Paul encourages Timothy to stand firm for Christ in his Christian ministry and his calling. God is calling people of God to proclaim the good news concerning Jesus Christ. God calls people in every age to the ministry of the word and sacrament. Calling for a particular ministry is not a human appointment, but by God’s divine authority. God calls people to varieties of ministries.  The edification of the body of Christ involves different forms of ministry, including apostles, preachers, teachers, evangelists and prophets (Eph. 4:11-12).  

Furthermore, Apostle Paul explains why he himself strives to "endure everything." Paul’s exhortation to Timothy is to hold fast to the tradition they have received and not be swayed by competing Christian influences. Entanglements are to be avoided, as in the life of the enlisted soldier (v.4), as in the life of disciplined athletes (v.5), and as in the life of the hard working farmer (v.6). 

Moreover, Paul is encouraging Timothy that God is faithful—that God keeps all promises. “If we are faithless, he remains faithful—for he cannot deny himself.” This means we can count on God to continue to love us, to help us, to always be there for us as a supporting presence—even in the worst of times, even if we are at times “faithless” (2 Tim. 2:13).

In conclusion, Paul’s exhortation to Timothy is to remain faithful to God’s ministry. “Jesus Christ raised from the dead” is the centrality of the gospel. A variety of gifts are given to the body of Christ for the edification of the believers. Entanglements are to be avoided. Remember that God is faithful and God keeps all God’s promises.

Dear God, by the power of the Holy Spirit open our minds to your wisdom and our hearts to your sacrificial, unending and faithful love. Amen.
Rev. Biju P. Simon
Philadelphia, PA

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