Word for the day by Christian Education Forum

 Priests called to be imitators of Christ

Malachi 1: 6 – 14

The book of Malachi is the last page of inspired Hebrew prophecy. Malachi charged the people with profanity, sacrilege, greed, indifference; he charged them with perversion of the moral order, calling good evil and evil good; he charged them with robbing God in that they did not bring the whole tithe to His altars; he charged them also with blasphemy, in that they said, "There is no value in serving God". These charges reveal in every case the consciousness of love in the presence of sin. It is love that is wounded. The book, therefore, is a revelation of the constancy of love, the consciousness of love, and the courage of love.

To be the imitators of Christ is a calling upon all believers to be obeyed with love and commitment. It is not to be forced or coerced but rather as a expression of our gratitude and love. G Campbell Morgan says “It is possible to attend the temple, bend the knee and make an offering regularly, but unless there is love in the heart there is no communion with God.”

The reason that Malachi admonishes the Priests of the time is because they were allowing the people to get away with the sin of disobeying the commandments of the Lord. The priests of Malachi’s day thought their sacrifices were sufficient. They assumed God was pleased because they had sacrificed something. God described this practice as evil since leftovers were not merely adequate but they are evil. When we fail to give God the proper reverence, we bring dishonor to His name and reputation.

The word of God reminds us that the role of the priests is to bring that correction in the community of worshipers not to defile the table of God. It is also pertinent that the priests encourage the worshiping community to be consistent in our faith journey and to be steadily progressing each day.

This day let us ask ourselves if our service for God is less that what we would offer to human dignitary? Are playing the church or are we practicing it with a passionate heart filled with love and devotion. Let us commit ourselves to give God the best and bring all Glory to his name.
May our best be offered to You,
Gracious God, Almighty King;
As we come to You in worship,
Let our lives Your praises sing. Amen

Thought of the day
True worship acknowledges God's true worth.
Rev. Thomas K Mathew
Youth Chaplain

Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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