Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Worship in Spirit and Truth
John 4: 13 - 26
The conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman is one the most intriguing passages of the New Testament. Here is a woman who is challenged and encountered by the master himself. A remarkable transformation happens here when from being a sinner who had to conceal her private life and live in seclusion, she is propelled to a life of faith and witness. Jesus here points out the basic need in everyone's life which is the need for an evergreen spring of life which can be gained only in association with the living God. He encounters the woman who was living in a state of denial about her sinful life. She realizes she needs forgiveness and freedom from sin. She is willing to make sacrifices for it. She is confused as to where to find the presence of the true God, on their holy mountain Mt. Gerizim or in Jerusalem. She has decided that her life needs to change.

It's here that Jesus becomes the Gospel himself. He proclaims that God is no longer confined to geographic boundaries from now on. Though Jews have a role in the salvation of humankind, God's salvific act through him is no longer to be compartmentalized. His love was all- embracing and all-encompassing. We could now experience His grace n presence everywhere and every time. We just had to be truthful about our true self. We had to experience him in Spirit. Our worship could be meaningful and acceptable only if it arose from a truthful heart and spirit. God was omniscient and has extended his Grace to everyone and everywhere.
Dear Lord, thank you for the gift of sonship/daughtership granted to us. You know us inside out, our inner self too. Just as you challenged the Samaritan woman and transformed her, we beseech you to encounter us. Help us to worship you in truth and spirit. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen
Thought for the day
Am I truthful in my worship? Do I experience and witness him in my day to day experiences?

Rev. Shaji K.
Long Island Mar Thoma Church, New York

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