Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Worship in Spirit and Truth
2 Thessalonians 2:13 - 17
 V.14: ‘to which he called you by our gospel for the obtaining of glory of our Lord Jesus Christ’.
Apostle Paul refers to the theme of salvation in the second epistle while addressing the faith community in Thessalonica. He addressed the sanctification of the mortal vessel in the first epistle. In the second epistle, Apostle Paul is teaching the believers the purpose and route of salvation. He exhorts them to stand fast for their faith. Apostle Paul concludes the chapter by consoling his fellow believers by reminding them of the hope they have in Christ Jesus.

The portion also sheds some light on the controversial topic of predestination. Verse 13 contains the words….’ Because God chose you’. Paul stands firm on the theory of God’s choice of who He will save and who He will not – Romans 9: 10-16 is another portion where Paul clarifies his position citing the illustration of Jacob and Easu.
Finally, a note of the background of the Apostle’s exhortation. It is believed that the epistle to Thessalonians were the first of its kind written by Paul. He is emphasizing the need to persevere persecutions prevalent at that time. The perseverance of the believers allowed the word to take root in the Greek and Roman civilization. Paul was, in God’s grace, preserving the first fruits of the gospel in order to encourage the future believers. God, in the richness of His mercy, crowned the Apostle’s effort with resounding success.
Lord give us the ability to understand the sovereign nature of Your will. We submit to you unconditionally in Jesus’ name. We penitently appeal for your mercy in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Let us be ultimately found in You even through the trials and tribulations in this world.
Thought for the day
“Trials teach us what we are. They dig up the soul and let us see what we are made of.”
-Charles Spurgeon.

Abraham Mammen
Epiphany Mar Thoma Church, New York

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