Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Compassion that Leads to the Experience of the Kingdom of God
JAMES 2 :1-13
Vs 13. 
For judgement is without mercy to one who has shown no mercy: mercy triumphs over judgement.
Jesus came to the world with a revolutionary message of the kingdom of God a kingdom that extends love ,compassion and mercy to all His creation. Jesus throughout His ministry has extended and propagated the principles of loving, care and compassion and He demonstrated it in action in countless incidents. As Immanuel Jesus reflected the heavenly fathers’ character of pure and unconditional love. He sympathized with the marginalized, the tax collectors, the lepers and the blind who were looked upon contemptuously by the society. Crowds followed Jesus to learn and see His miracles and they stayed late to be fed and healed by Jesus ultimately out of compassion and mercy. We see in the gospels He is advocating the principles of love through parables to make us understand better. When children flocked around Him and caused a hindrance to His teachings, we see disciples standing in the way and trying to drive the children away, an action Jesus did not like. Crowds of people who had different physical needs tagged along behind him. We see a compassionate Jesus all in the gospels always showing empathy to the crowd.

Here in this passage for our meditation we Jesus’s pleading for impartial faith and justice and practice fairness in the society. He is insisting to castaway all prejudices and to treat everyone CC shall not make our judgements and assessments based on appearances alone. Our Churches and institutions shall operate as a model to what God expects of us and we all must be living in a class-free zone. Impartiality and fairness reflect the character of God and when we treat others as we wish them to treat us, the world will be a paradise. If we judge others without mercy and compassion God is also going to judge us without mercy using His own yardstick. May God help us to recognize His compassion in our lives and give us the strength to pass it on to others.
Lord enable us to be fair and humane in all our actions. Teach us to be compassionate to all your creations. Amen.

Thought for the day
For the Lord does not see as man sees. For man looks at the outward appearance but the Lord looks at the heart.
Dr Thomas K Jose
The Mar Thoma Church, Staten Island.
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church

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