Word for the day by Christian Education Forum


Responsibilities and Duties
St. Matthew 11:28-30
V. 30: “For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” 
In this passage, Jesus teaches about the Kingdom.  Kingdom values are important to understand our life living for Him rather than ourselves.  Many times, in this world, we move in such a way that we are focusing on earthly values over the kingdom values.  The focus on worldly things only has us think that we are relying on ourselves.  Reading this passage, we need to examine our desires, our motives, and our aim.  We need to evaluate and re-evaluate ourselves in the ways that guide us to have a desire that is beyond the desires of this transitory world.  Many times, as we are significantly caught up in this world and as a result, we are overstressed, filled with worry, and restless. 
As it is mentioned earlier, we rely or depend significantly on ourselves.  We feel that we are in control of all the situations that are coming our way and we believe that we need to do something about it to get the results that we desire.  The thing is, it is about “I” and “We”, but where is “He”?  In all that we do, are we considering God?  In all that we desire, is it God’s desire for us?  One thing we need to realize is that we are not our own.  Our lives do not belong to ourselves; we are owned by God.  It should be His desires; His will and our focus need to be on Him.
This world will give us many struggles, worries, and stress, but we should always remember not to depend on ourselves but always turn and run to God as our ultimate destination and focus as we exist in this world in His time.  In v. 28, we clearly see Christ saying, “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”  A yoke is a wooden harness that is heavy that fits over the oxen, here when Jesus mentions yoke, it symbolizes heavy burdens such as sin, weariness, struggles, and the like.  Jesus frees us from these burdens when we give our lives to Him.  Our life in this world should be for His glory and God can use us in many ways, even in our uncomfortable situations such as pain and hardships, we can find joy by knowing we are living for God.
May the Lord sharpen us to look unto Him all throughout our lives, so that we can live to be pleasing in His sight rather than living in this world satisfying only ourselves.
Triune and everlasting God, guide me in my life to know that you are in control.  Lord, I do not belong to myself; I am yours; I ask that you continue to guide me to fully surrender myself away from my self-centeredness towards ways that are pleasing in Your sight, in Christ’s name I pray, Amen.

Thought for the day:
“I'm fairly convinced that the Kingdom of God is for the broken-hearted. You write of 'powerlessness.' Join the club, we are not in control. God is.”- Fred Rogers (Mr. Rogers)
Rev. Jess M. George
Youth Chaplain, North-East Region

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