Word for the day by Christian Education Forum
Resurrection – celebration of new life
Luke 24:1-12
V 5b “why do you look for the living among the dead”? He is not here but has risen.”
The Christian faith is unique in the midst of the world's religions, in the sense that it is founded on the living person of Jesus Christ who was raised bodily from the dead. The sting of death and its power could not hold him in the hell, he rose from the dead victoriously. Through his death and resurrection, he earned victory over Satan and his forces. It is not just a teaching or a biblical instruction, but has definite moral truths.
Christianity is founded on the living person of Lord Jesus Christ, crucified for our sins, risen from dead, ascended into heaven, and returning soon in power and glory. If Jesus is not risen from the dead, our faith is fake, and also his death on the cross will not earn forgiveness for our sins. The resurrection was God's seal of approval on the sacrifice that Christ offered for his people. Resurrection also reiterated the fact that Jesus was truly the Son of God, one among the Holy trinity.
Easter Sunday brought forth confusion for the women who reached the tomb and for the apostles who heard the report. It was only until Jesus appeared to them that they believed in the resurrected Lord. Easter brings joy, new hope and it is a beginning of a new creation in Christ. So Christian faith is not based on a Jesus of the past, but on Lord Jesus who still lives in heaven, sitting on the right hand of the Father, interceding for us. Being the followers of the risen Lord, the Church has a role in praying for a total renewal among believers and non believers. We have to trust in the risen Lord, who will come back a s a judge at the end times.
Lord Jesus let this Easter bring us hope ,joy and comfort to all who trust in you and in your resurrection. May it be a time of renewed hope for eternity in these unprecedented and uncertain times.
Easter is the foundation of Christian faith.
Dr. John K. Thomas Tabor MTC
Christian Education Forum, Diocese of NAE of the Mar Thoma Church